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Guest Luka

Better Rules By community

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Guest Luka


Community Suggested Rules

First off, I will give credit where credit is due. This applies to most xG servers on CSS only. I am doing this because the community in and out of xG, I am sure have many opinions on this topic.(THESE ARE NOT OFFICIAL RULES FOR xG SERVERS, THEY ARE COMMUNITY SUGGESTED)


xG Jailbreak



[xG] MeowMix says:

Flash/Smoke grenade spamming should result in the following: Slay, CT ban(If done in more than 2 rounds), and finally, a ban(If done on both sides (CT and T). He had a great idea, if done by a CT all Ts in a radius cannot hear warden. Then, in result could cause freekilling.


[xG] Colorful Dot (Me) says:

We already have a great way to report Admin/Mod abuse. But, punishment is different, first, I think admin privs should be taken away for a day and put on probation. If they do it again, privs will be taken for a week, then again? Demote.



[xG:JB] Kevin Says:

A new warden plug-in? Here are his exact words: FIRST ONE TO TYPE !wArdEn (you must get the capitals right) gets warden. It?s a great idea. I am just going to go off of his idea a bit and edit it. The person who types it must have a microphone. If the warden dies, you must type it again for someone else to call warden. Very good idea Kevin!


*I will be looking through replies to see some even greater community rules!* I will also be looking through this 2 to 4 times a week.

Remember guys, if you have a rule that you think would be great, Post it!, if I thinks its good, I will post it on here! Remember, it must go by the following rules:

1. Must be original (Not on MOTD)

2.Must be a understandable rule

*I will edit this 1-2 times a week.*

If you need to contact me, your best bet is private messaging me.

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[xG:JB] Kevin Says:

A new warden plug-in? Here are his exact words: FIRST ONE TO TYPE !wArdEn (you must get the capitals right) gets warden. It?s a great idea. I am just going to go off of his idea a bit and edit it. The person who types it must have a microphone. If the warden dies, you must type it again for someone else to call warden. Very good idea Kevin!


Dont get me wrong, It's not a bad idea but this is what Aegean said


We thought of that, but 1. People will just bind it to a key and 2. People without mics can bind it, and if they get it first, no one will be able to give orders since the one who got it first wouldn't have a mic. There is no real solution to this, the mods and admins do their best to decide who should be warden so we can carry on. First person to call it on mic is already in effect.


Also, I agree with what MeowMix and Colorful said.

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And what i mean by that, it would be for example 3 words at random, for example.


Console: [xG] First one to type !WaRdEn Gets warden abilites! Letters are case sensetive! must have mic!

me: !warden

console: Error: Mispelled

meowmix: !WaRdEn

console: CONGRAGALATIONS MEOWMIX, YOU ARE THE WARDEN. DO !warden to use warden abilites.

mods must make sure they have mic.

3 differnt types of words: !wArDen !WARDEN !WaRdEn


does that help more?


---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------


also, it must be in team chat. so you cant bind. and it should have like alot more words so it cant bind as easy.

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Guest Luka

First off, I deleted mine, because there was a rule on that for MOTD. I didn't want any reference to MOTD, so I removed mine. Come on people, give some more ideas!


---------- Post added at 02:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------


And what i mean by that, it would be for example 3 words at random, for example.


Console: [xG] First one to type !WaRdEn Gets warden abilites! Letters are case sensetive! must have mic!

me: !warden

console: Error: Mispelled

meowmix: !WaRdEn

console: CONGRAGALATIONS MEOWMIX, YOU ARE THE WARDEN. DO !warden to use warden abilites.

mods must make sure they have mic.

3 differnt types of words: !wArDen !WARDEN !WaRdEn


does that help more?


---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 AM ----------


also, it must be in team chat. so you cant bind. and it should have like alot more words so it cant bind as easy.

Very good Idea, unless we get 5 ideas better than this, I will edit the post. The only reason I might not include it is because its editing an original post, still, very good idea!

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No, we already discuss about this problem a few weeks ago, and it was not very persuasive for our members. The plug-in was already canceled and therefore, we can't do anything about it.


I personally will -1 it since it's irrelevant since you're just making it more confusing for players by mixing up the symbols with capitalization/mixing up fonts/teamchat/etc.

As Aegean said before, players with no mic will just bind it despite the fact that the Ct claiming it has no mic making the situation even more drastic and ridiculous.

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[xG] MeowMix says:

Flash/Smoke grenade spamming should result in the following: Slay, CT ban(If done in more than 2 rounds), and finally, a ban(If done on both sides (CT and T). He had a great idea, if done by a CT all Ts in a radius cannot hear warden. Then, in result could cause freekilling.



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Major +++++ on the smoke gernade spam (especialy on blackops) since it gets to be waay too much sometimes.

The typing warden thing is kinda dumb, binding it will cause many problems AND people with no mics can acquire warden. The system works well enough as is and doesnt need any changes. Only thing i would like to comment on is people talking over warden during orders... makes it semi-impossible to understand wat to do

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If people are spamming nades at Ts I'll slay them.


If anyone's caught spamming cells I'll slay them.


Warden thing will not work just gonna have to deal with the old way. You can bind things in teamchat anyways.

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If people are spamming nades at Ts I'll slay them.


If anyone's caught spamming cells I'll slay them.


Warden thing will not work just gonna have to deal with the old way. You can bind things in teamchat anyways.


This^^ x 10

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Guest Luka
No, we already discuss about this problem a few weeks ago, and it was not very persuasive for our members. The plug-in was already canceled and therefore, we can't do anything about it.


I personally will -1 it since it's irrelevant since you're just making it more confusing for players by mixing up the symbols with capitalization/mixing up fonts/teamchat/etc.

As Aegean said before, players with no mic will just bind it despite the fact that the Ct claiming it has no mic making the situation even more drastic and ridiculous.


Thanks for that, I will most likely remove that post by the end of the week, im sorry if I cause confusion on this.


---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------


Most of you have given really good feadback. I am thankful for this, BUT remember, we need some ideas for better rules!

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