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Member Name: CharcoPanda


What game?: Counter Strike Source


Your In-Game Name: T3k | Elmo' SesameSt.


Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5305594


Ban Reason: Well supposivley, i was trolling and so was the rest of the T3k Members in there..


Unban Reason: Well, there was no proof of any T3k Members trolling, and also i was AFK during this whole argument about this trolling thing and from the 2 minuits i was still not banned kevin was trolling and i feel that T3k was being trolled and that this might of caused a huge disturbance between T3k, xG... i Dont want an argument...i just feel that we are not being treated fairly as we are still banned because we are in T3k, i gave who ever wanted to post the proof of any T3k Member trolling 12 hours to post the proof, and obviously nobody is going to post the proof soo...also the story changed from that T3k was trolling to that T3k was being racist and they directed that Me Elmo, was the one that was being racist, when i have a black step dad, 3 black step brothers, and 4 black sisters, and they were all home and i would of got my beat if i was being racist

:))at that i would like to say *Sorry* to those that felt trolled by T3k, and whoever was supposivley trolled...

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I don't get it you team3k kid want to start your own server and want to be the next big thing. Yet you guys come into Xenogamers and play with us. Shouldn't you be trying to populate your own servers?

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Seriously, Aaron Your Not even in xG so u Cant Say " Come to play with us " and 2nd of all we are allowed to do what ever the hell we want, atm we are working on fixing

our jailbreak server before we try to populate it smart one, u obviously have never ran your own clan and have no fkn clue on what you are doing if u did make one, 3rd ?Kid? im sure i am not in middle school.. 4th.. its only u that brings up the T3k and how we play on xG servers because xG has amazing servers, we never wanted a argument, or anything and honestly Mr.DramaQueenAaron u should really be perm banned from xG you are even worse then Noble, because everything u say is completely

Unnecessary, and below the chart of the equivalent to Not Close To Being Funny AT ALL.. Thank You Have a Nice Day :)

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Seriously, Aaron Your Not even in xG so u Cant Say " Come to play with us " and 2nd of all we are allowed to do what ever the hell we want, atm we are working on fixing

our jailbreak server before we try to populate it smart one, u obviously have never ran your own clan and have no fkn clue on what you are doing if u did make one, 3rd ?Kid? im sure i am not in middle school.. 4th.. its only u that brings up the T3k and how we play on xG servers because xG has amazing servers, we never wanted a argument, or anything and honestly Mr.DramaQueenAaron u should really be perm banned from xG you are even worse then Noble, because everything u say is completely

Unnecessary, and below the chart of the equivalent to Not Close To Being Funny AT ALL.. Thank You Have a Nice Day :)


Apparently im not part of the xenogamers community as a public players. Open your eyes the members arnt the people who populate the server, it's the non members and there are tons of them who occasionally go in and out of the server. At no point in time did i plan on making my own clan. Im stating my opinion and wondering why you guy's arnt on your own server. Obviously i miss understood that your servers are not finished yet. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. And obviously Team3k is a issue as numerous members of that clan is advertising saying things like " come play with t3k" or "t3k ftw". And recarding to calling you a kid, you're not even in highschool yet let alone college. So im assuming at most you're grade 8 making you 14? That is well in range of "kids". Yes i should be perma banned cuz i know the rules of xenogamers, i rarely break ANY rules, and if so i will slay myself. I occasionally give heads up to admins about p0rn sprays and other rules breaks and what not. Regarding to being "worse" than noble, i dont see anything wrong about noble he's also active player and knows the rules. And when your clan members troll on xg it puts a negative image on your clan and yourself. I'd suggest rethinking what clan you want to be in sir.


charco is right aaron if you were join xG i would lawl until my would fall off


you dont need to lawl your off because i'll join xg when the world ends.

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Apparently im not part of the xenogamers community as a public players. Open your eyes the members arnt the people who populate the server, it's the non members and there are tons of them who occasionally go in and out of the server. At no point in time did i plan on making my own clan. Im stating my opinion and wondering why you guy's arnt on your own server. Obviously i miss understood that your servers are not finished yet. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. And obviously Team3k is a issue as numerous members of that clan is advertising saying things like " come play with t3k" or "t3k ftw". And recarding to calling you a kid, you're not even in highschool yet let alone college. So im assuming at most you're grade 8 making you 14? That is well in range of "kids". Yes i should be perma banned cuz i know the rules of xenogamers, i rarely break ANY rules, and if so i will slay myself. I occasionally give heads up to admins about p0rn sprays and other rules breaks and what not. Regarding to being "worse" than noble, i dont see anything wrong about noble he's also active player and knows the rules. And when your clan members troll on xg it puts a negative image on your clan and yourself. I'd suggest rethinking what clan you want to be in sir.




you dont need to lawl your off because i'll join xg when the world ends.



the world will end when people least expect it too

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Listen up, Charco, you aren't managing t3k, so stop saying others have no idea, when i'm pree sure you don't either. Outshined you got no reason posting on here, this is charcos thread. You're banned too, so obviously you have no room to talk, since aaron isn't banned, he's not a total screw up ;) Either way, like aaron said, you were so up for joining t3k, you should help them first, and once they start up and get going, worry about xG, i'm trying to help you, not disresect.

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