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Member Name: Aaron


Abusing Admin: Banana


Your In-Game Name: Ball




Reason: Doesnt watch the server most of the time he's afk. I understand admins have a life but this guy is never watching the server. There was a warday with only 1 entrance and this guy doesnt do anything and allows it ( the entrance to back area with disco and jeopardy ) Kept explaining to him why people are freekilled and doesnt reply to anything


Player Effect: I don't know


Proof: Not really wanting him to lose his admins, just telling the leader or whatever what this guy does ingame, how he looks over the server etc. I know this guy has been here for a long time and he knows the rules down to heart but is he the right guy to be an admin? Im not here to make enemies but i really think there so be some though put into sgt. banana's position.



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Banana igores me all the time now :( i think i made him angry somehow. Anyways I believe Banana has done a good job with Admin. He was promoted from mod to admin in a very very short time for a reason! Unlike me who has had mod forevaaaa lol anyways CLOSE >:(

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Here's the thing, he was originally was promoted to Minecraft admin only but somehow got CSS admin, but from what I heard it was fixed. How he got admin before other mods who have been REALLY more active & been in xG longer, I have no idea. Don't get me wrong he's a really nice guy though

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Duckii Jr. - I' m sorry, i wish i could be around more to answer all your questions and even talk to you for hours on end (yes homo). I do try to be on as much as possible tho, and if not in game... team-speak so if anyone ever needs help, or is watching abuse I can step in and help out. I'm no longer a innocent little gamer, or an innocent teenager for that matter. I've been around the block enough that my feet hurt, but im not to a point yet where my priorities are organised in a way so efficient the sidetrack witch is gaming is not involved. I hope to help out so those developing can grow in the best environment possible. Remember tho Gaming is an alternate reality, or atleast can best be catogorised most appropriately one, so while were all playing at the same-time or perhaps meet at the sametime. ANYONE can stand up for ANYREASON. Word?


Aaron/Ball - OKAY! I really like you for your constant participation and role to be an active part of this community. Do u play during the school week? cuz if so we need more like you as mod. Now common, i had a 1:36min conversation with the warden and other mods about weather or not that was appropriate and in the end with the positive vote it received i simply nodded it off. Jailbreak is a social game, and more often than not what the community likes rather then what rules it breaks is usually the best solution. Finally the reason im an admin is not because of my participation, but because of my knowledge. When i joined xg i was and will continue to be ahead of the 8 ball, with all my actions raley do i make direct mistakes. There are other admins out there that have earned ther adminship though time spent but if it was up to me the world would never turn this way. Some are destine to be admins, taking strong voice in the community with little need for direct connection. others like you should be mods, having great amounts of play time and refined skills for rules and recognizing direct conflicts. What we need is a board here at xg, consisting of 7 members all who indefinite separate opinions. You no i havn't looked back one in everything ive written :) i hope in all my scribble someone lears something.



Sgt. Banana


PS: Pyro.... thanks ;)

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I will fix the fact that he should only be MOD for CSS, no worries. Other then that, no proof and seems it's just to open his eyes.. so to speak so


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