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SPQR Total War (Rome Total War Mod)

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ima do a report on my game for the game SPQR total war which is a mod for rome total war. it is super hard if u arent used to rtw, u start off getting attacked from 3 different factions and from armies 50% bigger than urs. ill post some pics from my campaign when i can, im kinda far into the game atm so ill be able to skip the boring first 10 yrs where i just fight the same enemy until i am stronger than them




****SPQR:TW 9.0 Download Link****


you need RTW 1.5 and u need to copy the entire game into a seperate folder because SPQR overwrites the original files and u wont be able to install other mods

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heres pictures that i took of my campaign

ill post a caption above it to let u know what the picture is about.


this is my gaul front, where every so often, the fragments of the gaul tribes get together and raid the roman lands in hopes of reclaiming their ancestral land



this is the southern spain front, my army on the bottom is holding off the carthaginians until reinforcements come from the east to siege the city



these are the reinforcements coming to help out my legion in southern spain



this is my southern gaul front, where the two cities u see get raided by gaul armies every couple of turns



these are my holdings in greece, which after a successful invasion of sparta and multiple crushing victories against the greek army are now under my control



dont worry about the corner of the map, look on the bottom left of the image, that is the entire campaign map when fog of war is toggled off, im the romans as the red colour



next time, i secure spain and greece and prepare an invasion of carthage (the white faction in northern africa), as soon as i get the cities that i need, i will activate the marian reforms and get super powerful legionary cohorts to replace my aging camillan military forces








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Wow seems really hard, might try it tomorrow.


---------- Post added at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------


btw thanks for the info.

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np, i posted the download link in my first post in case ur interested, the first time i played it, i got ed over so many times, the beginning is rly hard if u dont know what to do because u have 1 city that has 2 mines, and it provides u with like 80% of ur money, and if u lose it, ur screwed unless u get it back within several turns. the germans are uber powerful, ppl say that u should never border the germans unless u are strong enough to beat them back and invade them, cause if u just defend then they will start sending elite units at u and ull have to fall back, only the legionary cohorts are strong enough to fight them back with little casualties.

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ya lol, campaign restarts are gonna be rly common for u, but ull get the hang of it, there are guides for SPQR on surviving the first 15 turns of ur campaign, first thing to do is build the mine in arretium, that is the most vital part of the beginning, also build a wall in genua and ariminium, get ur garrison from messana out and destroy the barracks there, u wont be able to hold it against spartan hoplites anyway, focus on beating hannibal and theophanes in the south and get taras, then send ur legions north to fight back gauls, upgrade capua to minor city within like 5 turns of ur campaign, ull need the barracks to retrain principes and triarii, use velites to kill the elephants, make fire at will OFF and manually target the elephants, they will go down like flies, also put ur hastati in guard and shield wall (by clicking the loose/tight formation button), ur units will take a lot less casualties this way and ull kill more of the enemies

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UPDATE: quick update on my campaign, the city in southern spain (the white one) has been secured and so has greece, i am now moving my legions out and mobilizing them in southern spain and in sicily to invade carthage on a two pronged attack.


in greece, the greeks haev several armies near their remaining cities and they arent doing anything with them, mainly blocking me from going further in, the macedonians (black ones above greece) border them and they have a ton of armies near their capital so i have no intention of fighting them until i get the marian reforms and upgrade my military big time.


in gaul (france), the gaullic tribes (green ones) have been constantly sending armies and besieging my cities there, its become a huge pain in the and cause of that, im sending 2 legions up to gaul to deter them from attacking me, my income nearly doubled after i secured spain, greece, and dealt with corruption in my empire

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another update: i blitzed the carthaginians (white in north africa) and took all the settlements from morocco to carthage (tunis), and now they only have 3 cities left, 1 of which has been targetted by a siege legion so i can take it within a turn, i have the 2 cities in libya left as a buffer from the egyptians who have a bunch of stacks (armies) that i dont want to deal with atm. after i conquered carthage, exactly what i feared would happen happened, now i haev a bunch of legions in carthage and in spain that are doing diddly except acting as garrison forces for the cities, and now i have to organize everything and bring relief forces to resupply my legions before i take the last 2 carthage cities and get marian reforms, im gonna be disbanding a crap ton of troops that are in random places that i dont need them to be in, like in spain or in sicily.


ill upload campaign pictures of it when i can

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lol mad, u have no idea how incredibly hard this game is, the enemy factions get money, population and army bonuses. if i were to go for the britons i would get raped sooo hard i wouldnt even realize that all my armies in briton would be dead and my cities there under siege. in spqr, there is AOR for the legions, meaning i can only build them in specific cities on the map (the ones that have the legionary shield on it) and even then, the units are effective when they have 4 or more exp on them, anything less and they are cannon fodder.


the max infantry size u have on huge is 163, the max everyone else has is 241, cavalry is 94 for urself, 160 for everyone else, and their cavalry is like 20 times better than urs, the enemy has like 1 turn builds for all their buildings i think, so gets built up fast, ur buildings take like 5 turns, then when the city is huge, it takes like 20 turns. ur ships are twice as expensive to buy and maintain and they only have half as many men in them (80 compared to everyone elses 160). the game is only balanced for rome, meaning that playing any other faction would ruin the challenge of it, cause of all the that you would get from the bonuses. u also have to play by house rules, or at least mostly house rules, ie u cant have an entire army of one strong unit, no merc armies, they have to be legionary composition, ie 5 hastati, 5 principes, 3 triarii, 2 equites (horse), 2 velites, 2 archers/slingers, and 1 general. and the total for all that would be about 3070 something, the enemy can have up to 4800 in a stack, and u might haev to face 2 or 3 of those stacks and win as well. doesnt look so easy now doesnt it lol


also u dont start off as the house of julii, rome is unified at the beginning, and the only other roman factions are the rebel romans (scipii blue color) and the spqr (dark purple) who have like 8 exp legionary cohorts, archers, cavalry, and praetorians, biggest cluster that ill have to deal with in the future when i get marian reforms

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Wait, so you can change the army size? I never knew about that! Can you access it in options?


---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------


Also, we should try to face each other competitively sometimes in Empires or Napoleon. I'm planning to purchase them later on in the future or I might as well stay with Dark Souls.

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Seems like you are doing pretty good, I would like to see some pictures tho, your campaing seems far more interesting than mine lol




I got owned like 4 times but now I think I'm finally doing it right

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mad, u go to options>video options>advanced settings>change unit size>huge, that way u get the largest unit size in the game, it doubles it from large, meaning from 80 in a unit to 160, good for having big battles. also my rtw is torrented but i can still play LAN on it.


unique there is a 15 turn guide for spqr to help u get through the beginning, and ull be facing the gauls for pretty much the entire beginning, so ull get used to fighting them, when u face the carthaginians, save ur velites ammo for the elephants. but ya, the beginning is hard lol, abandon messana, u wont be able to face against spartan hoplites with town watch and hastati and it will turn into a manpower pit, abandon it, take the garrison and put it in the city that had a legion in it (capua i think), let the enemies attack u as opposed to u attacking them, cause they will run towards u and tire themselves out if u are defending, also after u secure south italy, move ur legions up north and hold the border against the gauls for as long as u can while ur building up ur cities and ur economy, when u upgrade capua and are able to make principes and triarii, u should send ur depleted units to capua and retrain them there, also stay from rome AT ALL COSTS, meaning dont go anywhere near their borders, go around them, cause if u enter their territory and u end turn, they will declare war on u and ull be ed when it happens cause of their ultra powerful armies

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