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SPQR Total War (Rome Total War Mod)

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heres the latest campaign pic that i have so far, im sending peasants from my populated cities to my depleted ones so i can build imperial palaces so im ready for the reforms, after which im probably gonna invade macedon and then turkey




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update: i havent been able to play as much because of comp dying and cause of midterms, assignments, labs and a test i have tmw, and a presentation due friday


but ill go on, as of now the two cities with low population are repopulated and ive proceeded with building imperial palaces at both the cities, they should be ready in 15 turns.


at which point, final preparations will begin for the marian reforms:


  • ill have to disband all non essential military units
  • any military units that are in the border regions will have to be brought back for their final retraining before they get disbanded
  • ill need to send several legions to libya so i can take the last 2 cities that i need, at which point the egyptians will attack me in full force
  • ill need to build a sizable navy in order to transport my legions to the soon-to-be battle heavy areas,
  • ill also have to plan several invasions, notably the invasion of germany and macedonia, also the middle east through egypt and through turkey


this is gonna be a long fight, at the end my recruit legions will be battle-hardened veterans able to defeat any enemy

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the two cities is the one in the bottom right corner of the minimap in the picture above (the white one, not the teal one) and the second city was the one right below that one, its somewhat far away so ima have to time it so i siege both cities at the same time

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if u can run the original rome total war on huge settings maxed out, u can prob run spqr total war on huge with medium graphics, medium cause any higher and gameplay gets slower and makes it longer to play a battle

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and then out of nowhere (i was expecting this but not this soon so it came as a surprise)


so now i have to disband my outdated troops and replace them with the superior legionary cohorts, they are a lot more expensive also, so its gonna strain my economy a bit, however i put at least 40k into ships so all i have to do is bring them to a dockyard and disband them, and ill get a chunk of money back from that, so it should alleviate any financial problems that ill reach. whats going to be a problem is getting the legions resupplied because each one is unique and can only be retrained in a specific city and nowhere else, so ima have to make a bunch of auxilia legions to support them


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thought id bring this back up, havent been playing spqr much since i got the reforms, mostly cause its a huge pain in the ♥♥♥ organizing all those freshly recruited legions and having to find generals and spearmen to fill the ranks of the armies before i can send them on the offensive. in the mean time however, ive been playing roma surrectum 2, which is a more balanced game (ie, ur not at war with everyone and u have balanced armies) and it focuses more on the 28 unique legions of rome, they each look different than the others and have a bigger area of recruitment (meaning i can retrain a legion in several cities rather than just 1 city), it also has better looking units and a lot more buildings to make and a better economy (spqr depends on mining, RS2 depends on taxes), there are also key cities that support the bulk of ur economy (italy, carthage, the capitals of other factions), at the moment, im making 120k per turn in my current campaign and am owning the germans and boii after getting hit with a 3 on 1 war (i destroyed 1 of them, the other two i took a chunk of cities from them, so they are on the defensive now)

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