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Terrible CT's

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guys let me just say. if your new to jailbreak DONT BE CT! when people use "IM NEW!" as an excuse for mass freekill, they should never be saying "im new" when they're on ct.

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Get a faster computer and hit !guard right away, or even assign to CT. Yesterday when I was playing we had a great CT team, but admittedly a majority of the time there are more bad CTs than good ones.


I used to record demos all day long specifically for the reason of getting derp CTs team-banned, but it got to be too much of a nightmare.

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Tarin. its not that im not ct, its that when i want to be T, its no fun. I want orders not just freeday after freeday.


Fair enough. Add me to friends and play when I'm on! :D

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The most important thing for a warden is to lead. What does that mean? On Jailbreak, Leading effectively more often then not is paying attention to the CTs as much as you are paying attention to the Ts, and to command them to maximize the teams effectiveness.


Usually when I'm warden, I have the most kills because I know exactly what to lookout for and I always make it a point to let my team know that they are supposed to kill people that are doing ________. Most of the time CTs are too hesitant to kill either, more often than not because they weren't even paying attention to my orders. By telling them specifically (in team chat), it makes it much easier to weed out the rebellers. And then people start getting scores higher than mine.


Its about more than that though, you have to watch the CTs and make sure they aren't baiting or doing stupid , and if they are either warn them, cover them, or ask the admin to slay/restrict them. But usually, its enough to say "CT's GTFO of their way cause I'm gonna send them towards ________" and warn them before hand and things usually go by much more smoothly. If there are 5 CT's derping around on the couches and you tell the T's to bumrush couch game and they all get M4's or AK's, you cannot cry "OMFG STUPID CTS" cause in reality, its you who really ed up.



Be more alert and mindful. If there are seriously stupid CTs on, either lead them like a warden should or tell the admin


Communication is our greatest asset! Learn to communicate

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This is a far stretched idea, but a lot of freekills happen when the warden dies and the CTs don't know it's a freeday.


Is there some sort of Warden calling script? Kind of like "!boom". Then maybe when the warden dies give it a 15 second timer on the chat so everybody knows at least.

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Being new to ct is not a valid excuse to break the rules, they're treated the same as anyone else and if they use the excuse "Im new" then they should've read the motd before playing.

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To my knowledge the "I'm new" excuse doesn't save anyone. The ticker will often say "Read MOTD or be kicked", which is some of the best advice anyone can be given on this server.


Also, the best way to make CTs better, I find, is just communicate. Sometimes CTs dont call warden because they think its too daunting, or are afraid of being complained about. What you could do is call warden, play a game, and then allow them to step in and do something small on the side involving an activity. This may allow them to experience a small part of being a warden, or a good CT in general. This may help to ease them into a position they are more comfortable in.

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Tarin whats your steam name? and foxxy thats a good idea. Another idea i had is maybe, just maybe, to be a ct you had to have a certain ammount of server time/points. This would elminate noobies from being ct's and also trolls who just want to mass freekill. just an idea :)

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