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Terrible CT's

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The idea of an !warden or something would be nice that way it clealry states through a broadcast who is warden, and when warden does die, it gives 15 seconds for someone else to type !warden before it broadcasts that it is a freeday.

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Bad wardens are a problem just as much as bad CT's. Ways to solve this problem "!warden" plugin. Would fix confusion in the begining. Another thing could be this. make a timer that forces people to play CT for so long. Example being somone must have 1 hour timed on the server to be able to play as a guard. Ideas, however I've learned this. 99% of the time during giant masses of freekills it is these 2 reason. 1. the warden gives orders so go damn complicated no one has any idea what is going on. 2. Their new. So we could solve both problems with !warden plugin. Now. how the plugin is used could be like this. It can only be done by admins that way people can't just !WARDEN spam into victory. <-- theres some ideas. btw. Chrono your beautiful.

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Tarin whats your steam name? and foxxy thats a good idea. Another idea i had is maybe, just maybe, to be a ct you had to have a certain ammount of server time/points. This would elminate noobies from being ct's and also trolls who just want to mass freekill. just an idea :)


kandric137, I think.


!warden has been rejected for many reasons, many times.

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The idea of an !warden or something would be nice that way it clealry states through a broadcast who is warden, and when warden does die, it gives 15 seconds for someone else to type !warden before it broadcasts that it is a freeday.


Yea this is what im trying to say. This way theres no confusion about whos warden :). Also people would have to have a certain amount of time one the server before they can use the !warden command.

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Firstly, I don't think that !warden is a good idea because it would theoretically favor people with faster internet connections and faster typing speed. I know you want it for the benefit of the server but something like this has great potential for being abused, and since we all know that this is the internet, always expect the worst.


Secondly, a time limit on the server probably wouldn't do all that much in terms of preventing shitty wardens. 1 Hour or even 2 Hours is only ~3-4 full maps which is not really that long. I think a much better solution is to strongly enforce the Immature Player =/= Warden rule, or to just give it time while minimizing member turnover. What that means is basically, we try and keep the player base we already have and help them develop into mature and intelligent wardens. Honestly, it should really only take AT MOST a week to learn how to warden effectively. The best thing we can do as wardens is to keep doing our thing, keep on having fun, and to provide a good example. Lead by example.


Honestly, the server does a pretty good job of self-moderating anyways. Shitty wardens typically get ed at by the entire server anyways so that helps a lot.


But its definitely an uphill battle, I will admit.


That's why I always try and take warden, just to make sure everyone is having a good time.

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I see many CT's who should get CT banned but no one ever does anything about it! :|


Record demos. Post in the ban request area. You're blaming it on others when you yourself are doing nothing.


Also, post more and apply for moderator. That is my ultimate goal. One mod on when the server is full is not enough, they do everything they can, but it is a monolithic task.

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