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read mc future plans  

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  1. 1. read mc future plans

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MC rules


1. Griefing is only allowed outside the towns.

- Even though it says wilderness, if it is close to the town, you can not grief. Be reasonable. (say about at least 16 blocks)


2. PVP is Not allowed at all.

- Exceptions : duel fight where both player agrees to fight. Towny wars, which is soon to come.


3. Use of any type of mod/ script/texture-pack that gives you advantages and affects the game play is not allowed.


4. Advertising or any sort is not allowed


5. Building 1*1 towers are not allowed. if you make one, get rid of it. Do not just jump down and leave it there.


6. Setting homes at other people's house or town or nearby one, is not allowed.


7. spamming unreasonable prices on market is not allowed.


8. changing price right after putting items on market to unfairly earn money is not allowed.


9. Trolling, admin/member disrespect is not allowed.


10. When someone asks you to leave his/her area, you must do so.


11. Call for admins in chat room 8. You are not required to do this when simply calling admins, but when discussion gets long, you must move to chat room 8. (It is to loosen the chat traffic in global chat room) Admins are required to be joined in chat room 8 at all times.


Admins' orders are divine. Unless the order is unreasonable or stupid, you must follow the orders.


These rules will be modified/added as needed. Also, even if there is no rule stated about an action done by a player, player can be punished depending on the action.



MC future plans



I am sure all of you minecraft players are aware of the upcoming 1.9 update. Of course i do not know when the update will be and the exact contents of it. But one thing that im sure of is that our server will need a restart. It is not some random restart that has no reason to it. It is due to the massive new features and modification on biomes of the 1.9 update. I do know that it is about time when you guys are getting sick of the restarts after all the 'hard works' on minecraft. I believe 1.9 will be the last massive update before the actual game comes out, so i am asking you guys politely to be patient until the actual game comes out when there will no longer be restarts unless server gets filled with buildings. (which won't happen for a looooong time). But, good news, you will be able to keep your inventories and money (not including chests and furnaces) to make starting things over again easier.


We can do couple of different things with our 1.9 updated server.

1. keep things as it is (including rules)

2. hard core survival where you avoid building fancy buildings (towny still active to protect things) and have frequent towny wars. (new rules will be made)

3. No towny, free build (still survival mode) where griefing and pvping is not allowed at all.



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Choice 1. Keep griefing. If people don't want to get griefed, they can save up and buy thier own town far far away. If they want to live with other people, they would have to deal with the fact that they can be griefed easily.

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also make the market items limited, meaning make it so ppl dont keep putting dirt, sand, cobblestone, and useless stuff on sale, make it so that u can sell iron, gold, diamond, glass, basically the refined items and not the raw materials, it would limit the amount of useless crap to skip through

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