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Taking the word of trusting xG Membaz!

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As you all know, or should, i recently received moderator and have been living thru the life and times of moderators. As most xG members know rules and all, i keep getting admin chat messaged by them explaining what someone did and sometimes even an explination on steamchat but i am unable to do anything about it since i havent seen anything. I strongly believe (depending on who msged me) that the person at fault is guilty and feel a need to do something about it but cannot. I just want to hear peoples opinions on this subject because i honestly think xG members should be our eyes on the server too so we can be as close to the 100% efficiency mark.


-Thank you for reading :)

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You do remember that people are ranked because they are trusted? They are trusted because they are an active, willing, helpful, and good part of our community. This is why they get moderator. This is why we have moderator applications, to see if we can potentially trust this person in mind.

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its not really an absolute rule that u must follow, its more something that u do at ur discretion, meaning that its ur choice whether or not u want to take action, if u feel that u dont enough proof or that it doesnt mean u have to take action then u dont have to. however, u can have like ur own informants if u could call them that, basically non members or members that arent admins that u trust when it comes to whether or not someone broke a rule, dont tell them though cause they might use it to their advantage, i have several of my own that i know and trust not to lie about someone breaking rules.

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this is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. if you dont see it, dont do anything. its all he said she said.


heres a quote to live by:


"Its only a crime if you get caught."

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this is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. if you dont see it, dont do anything. its all he said she said.


heres a quote to live by:


"Its only a crime if you get caught."


Agreed. One mistake can cause a chain reaction that is very unneeded.

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I've said it before when I first became a mod in xG, I will never slay someone without proof even if an entire server tells me what ____ did wrong. Always investigate with disputes (this includes messaging both parties and hearing both stories) and in the end do w.e you think is right.

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