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E.Z.Kill power-hungry

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Alright , what herpes said mostly cleared this... But here's my side , everyone was saying ♥♥♥♥♥♥ so most or all were gagged , when they got ungagged / muted , you continue that's when HIGH PLAINS kicked you TWICE then when you came back I said "Alright , next person to say something racist or loophole racism will get. 30min ban..." Then not 10 seconds later , you proceed to say "EZKills a niggard" which is when I banned you for 30 min... So don't leave the glass half full next time...

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Do you have any proof that you in-fact said "Alright , next person to say something racist or loophole racism will get. 30min ban..." because You made absolutely no reference to loop-holing racism until I was officially banned. I'm doubting the authenticity of the above post.

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If you were being a smartass and trying to loophole the racism, he had every right to ban you. It was 30 minutes, and clearly not abuse.


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