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I call warden

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Yelling "I call warden" at the beginning of the round gets really annoying when every CT is doing it at the same time. Why don't we just type it instead? There wouldn't be any debate on who got it. But either way, stop saying "I call warden" TEN FRIGGIN' TIMES EVERY ROUND. Say it once, we can hear you just fine the first time.

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Mainly we need more mods on at night to deal with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like this =/ i have like 10 mods on my friends list and only one was online at the time and didnt even reply with me asking for help -.-

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why the hell are mods supposed to deal with who called warden? If people in server cant even deal with the simple task of choosing a warden, what are we supposed to do about it? ct ban the people who spam "i call warden"?? Nah, not having mods on isnt the problem here.

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We both call warden and give orders so one of us is false wardening and orders conflict who has warden thats the problem not the tards screaming i have warden.

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ppl can just bind "i call warden" then u would have the same wardens over and over again, unfortunately for the time being, yelling i call warden over the mic is the most fairest way to determine whos warden, as annoying as it is

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Add a system like the !guard thing to become CT? where you type !warden, and it puts you on a list so every round is a different warden than the previous round, you could of course still pass it on, and if warden dies then yeah say it over mic, but that might fix the screaming over mic in beginning of rounds, and then you could have like the server broadcast who is warden for the beginning of the round too!

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Yea...there was a massive fight over it and then there was a "Free day" called apparently by one of the CTs that "was" warden which ended up a ♥♥♥♥ ton of free killing and big misunderstanding.



Jesus thats why I never play CT because you whores fight to get "Warden" like you were sluts trying to get the last pair of designer shoes.

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Add a system like the !guard thing to become CT? where you type !warden, and it puts you on a list so every round is a different warden than the previous round, you could of course still pass it on, and if warden dies then yeah say it over mic, but that might fix the screaming over mic in beginning of rounds, and then you could have like the server broadcast who is warden for the beginning of the round too!


That's what I was thinking, too, it should work pretty well. At least, it would work better.


Yea...there was a massive fight over it and then there was a "Free day" called apparently by one of the CTs that "was" warden which ended up a ♥♥♥♥ ton of free killing and big misunderstanding.



Jesus thats why I never play CT because you whores fight to get "Warden" like you were sluts trying to get the last pair of designer shoes.


To be honest, that was actually hilarious, and it was legit. Rainbow Dash called warden first and passed it, and then everyone started fighting; The CT that RD passed it to called "out of your cell you're a rebel", but some guy called a fake freeday.

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