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Daz has been banned AGAIN.

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I like how you went back and edited your posts.


That was not a wall of rage I posted, it was simply taking out the garbage.


And yeah I can mention what you said in a steam chat because you sent said steam chat to a Moderator.


We are not allowed to punish someone for something that we didnt see unless the greater majority has seen it, so your little nitpicking and the little things you see may go missed by an admin / mod, which cause you to FREAK OUT.


I kicked you, I slayed you, smoker kicked you, slayed you, I gagged you, smoker gagged you, hudson gagged you and an entire server told you to basically stfu. Its not your job to come in here and "Clean up shop" no one elected you to pass judgement on how this server is run, ffs, youre not even a member because NO ONE WOULD VOUCH FOR YOU, therefore you have NO SAY AT ALL. Our mods are elected by the players, and if someones a "Badmin" we usually reprimand them. Ive been wrong a few times actually, one being when I perm banned you THE FIRST TIME.


You post no proof, no evidence to support your claims, and despite a large number of members +1 'ing your PERM BAN, you expect to still be allowed to play here?


And THEN you have the audacity to come in here on our forums, and prove to us that the things you do in the server by saying "I dont care if you FAGGOTS do ban me". Acting this way on the forums is pretty damn convincing enough that this is how you present your anger in the server.


You want to warn new members that were bad admins by acting like a ♥♥♥♥wad and trolling us? Great plan.


Looking around, there arent any other players that cause as much of an uproar as you do, no one trolls us this bad, and no one is so utterly and plain disrespectful, the last one who did so (NetEx) is GONE for what he did.


Anytime something DOESNT go in your favor, or you see a freekill that happens to get by mods, you fly into a pit of RAGE, spamming admin chat, blasting mods names calling them "badmins" and how much you hate the server, so instead of making your bed in a house where the majority DOESNT WANT YOU HERE, why not try trolling the other20k CSS source servers there are?


Go call their admins ♥♥♥♥ and NIGGERS and make posts in order to TROLL AND INFURIATE them and see how long you last there, little boy.


Im done talking about the subject. Ive wasted enough of my time, patience, and self control on you. This is in the hands of the higher ups.

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Classics here :D


Funny isn't it how I mentioned I'll enjoy seeing you banned again a few days ago. Well lo and behold what do we have here. I would like to be the first to say goodbye. Also even though I'm not a member of this clan I would like to +1 this ban request. Even if you don't take it into consideration I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter anyways.


Well toodaloo mother♥♥♥♥er.

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Both sides are immature. Expecially the people IN xG who are saying ♥♥♥♥ you or i hate you. Just stop already. You're making yourself look retarded. Try to approach a permanet ban request in an un-biased matter and maybe itll be considered. Right now both sides look like a bunch of raging kids. When Daz was in the server and i treated him like every other person, he treated me like a normal person and said thank you for things I did. You guys go in jailbreak servers and see him on and you just wait for him to say something, in your opinion, rude and BOOOOM the rage fest goes on. I'm not taking Daz's side but I'm not taking the perm ban request's side either. If you guys start treating him like a normal person and he STILL does it, then ill be in favor of this perm ban. I know I've requested a ban on him but i just did it out of rage.


Daz is still a rude, ignorant person who needs to recieve therapy but still, treat him in some way normally.

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just realized that no ones ever asked this so i might as well. daz what would u do with the admins in xg and who would be removed from admin and who would they be replaced by? hmm? lets see if ur not just talking out ur ♥♥♥ or if u actually have some kind of plan in place for this

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I was in fact not raging, i was thoroughly explain myself.


We gave him 20 minutes of warnings, kicks, gags, ect, and it went on and on and on.


Who cares what he would do? The kid changes his mind about admins more than I change my socks.


Ive posted enough proof that the majority of the time he is a problem maker, why must we continue to keep him around? Even Aegean has warned this kid.

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First of all why are people +1 when this isn't even a ban request. Second of all, everyone on this forums always bash people with no proof, yet this guy makes a post WITH NO PROOF and all you people do is just agree. This is the clear bias of people on Xenogamers when someone "good" has a ban request they beg for proof or when someone is "bad" they just + 1 without proof.

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First of all why are people +1 when this isn't even a ban request. Second of all, everyone on this forums always bash people with no proof, yet this guy makes a post WITH NO PROOF and all you people do is just agree. This is the clear bias of people on Xenogamers when someone "good" has a ban request they beg for proof or when someone is "bad" they just + 1 without proof.


Everyone who has been on the server a bit recently has seen Daz's rage and disrespect, including the admins. And now we have a screenshot from Smoker. And Daz telling the admins to ban him. And he's calling them "faggots" and "corrupt shitty admins" right on this thread.

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Id like to propose a perm ban.


This kind of IS a ban request Aaron, and what more proof do we need? Countless members mods admins have witnessed and a screenshot from smoker showing Daz calling him a ♥♥♥♥♥♥? I mean, what more do you want?

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This kind of IS a ban request Aaron, and what more proof do we need? Countless members mods admins have witnessed and a screenshot from smoker showing Daz calling him a ♥♥♥♥♥♥? I mean, what more do you want?


And Daz straight up called the admins faggots in this thread.

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