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Skyrim? MW3? SR3? BF3? Explain.

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Skyrim vs. SR3

MW3 vs. BF3

Which is better in your opinion? (Or looks better)

If only there was half life somewhere in that series of 3's >.>

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skyrim over AC any day. The controls in AC are just frustrating and the combat gets sooo repetitive. Plus, ive been a fan of Elder Scrolls for a long time :)

And for BF3 vs MW3, its not even a question. MW3 looks just like all the other cod games. just like with mw2, they advertised the snow mobiles like it was a major part in the game, but really it was only for like 30 seconds. Its gonna be the same thing. like 30 seconds of somthing really fun and then the rest is gonna be just like any other cod game. Just my opinion :)

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I'm getting everything but MW3...

I've been a fan of Saints row since the release of the first game.

I've loved elder scrolls since morrowind

I barely played any other BF game but BF3 caught my attention for sure.

I played Cod2 - blackops and it got repetitive at cod5

sooo yeah not spending any more money on Cod.

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BF3 hands down, COD has been the exact same game copied over with the textures changed for a few years now, instead of making a "new" one every year, they should spend 2 years making an actual new one. the end.

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