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I spoke too soon.

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My great grandma is dying, and not even a heed of warning. Remember earlier about two months ago when I made the thread "How to deal with death" and I thought someone in my family was gonna die soon? Yeah. That happened.



I guess this is mostly a notification that I'm not going to be able to act accordingly with admin duties over the holiday weekend. Sorry if I haven't been doing my job as well recently, with all these games coming out and getting piled with speech and debate and work...it's a little too much right now. I'll try to be a better admin, sooner.


Thanks for all that have already given support to me like Arthman and Serbian, it means a lot.

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Thank you Pyro.


And if anyone thinks for a second this is a ward for attention, it's not. It's just providing reasoning as to why I have not and will not be active within the next week, to maybe almost Christmas time.

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Bro... I'm sorry, I understand what your going through, because I went through it when I was a lot younger... It sucks to lose somebody you love, but try to think of it in a positive way... That person does not have to suffer the pains of whatever it is that is killing them, and they are going to a better place, where they will be pain free... Think on the brighter side for your grandmother.

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I'm sorry man, I really hope things work out for you in the near future, It may be hard right now but trust me, time is the best healer.

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My Grandma died around 5 months ago, I know how you feel...


Also about 3 months ago my dog died (One of the best dogs you could wish for) so don't feel down...

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I don't have a problem with dealing with death much, all of my grandparents died before I was born and all that sad crap so I won't get in to detail, I'm just used to it.


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My grandpa died about last year and lived to 98 but atleast he has a good past of escaping a concetration camp and it was one of the worst moments of my life losing him and i lost my sister at a younge age so i understand how it feels. i believe you should take as much time as you need

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