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Bullying ;{

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from what i read and heard, it does hurt to get kicked in the vagina, but its more like getting kicked in the leg than getting kicked in the balls


Yeah I've heard that it hurts too, but doesn't even amount to the hurt of getting smashed in the balls. (I would know)


First day of 9th grade some kid like super saiyan uppercutted me right in the nuts so I beat him up. Winning.

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I bet you think you're cool talking about bullying others in a thread that's anti-bullying.




Haha, I could see how someone would think that from a superficial reading of my post. I guess I should clarify it for some of you.


Never have I ever dreamed of persecuting those considered "different". If you want to ♥♥♥♥ men, do it. If you want to listen to Goth music? Do it. If you want to play video games all day and watch anime porn and listen to Hatsune Miku and talk like a Japanese person, do it. I have no problem with that and I would have to be a pretty big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if I judged you for stuff like that. No, I do not judge on the basis of Sex, Race, Religion, Interests, or Sexual Orientation, because my parents raised me correctly and I'm just an intelligent person who knows better.


The kind of kids that I ♥♥♥♥ing hated are the ones who think that they are untouchable because they can tell the teacher on you. The kind of person who will try and threaten you with "If you do that I'm gonna tell the teacher/my mom/your dad on you!"


I guess it was alright for the guy to make fun of my stutter right? But as soon as I started to settle things the way that kids in the 4th grade do it, he has to start bawling his eyes out and tell the teacher on me. That's bullying, right?


Have you never seen a guy try pitifully to hit on a girl and cracked a few jokes at his expense? That's what guys do; but this little rodent and his Superiority complex couldn't take a few measly jokes at his expense and immediately did the one thing that he knew would get us in trouble, he told the principal and claimed bullying.


I think there is a major difference between actively seeking out victims who will not defend themselves,

and taking revenge on cowardly and insidious sociopaths who are actively trying to ♥♥♥♥ you over. The kind of person who is so socially damaged that they will try and ♥♥♥♥ over nice people like myself using an authority figure since they are too cowardly to stand up for themselves.


But apparently that is considered bullying.

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smoker, did u have to beat the guy up with 10 of ur friends? how does that make u better, u couldve just told him to leave the house, if he didnt, u would call the police and tell them that hes trespassing in ur house (unless there was alcohol involved and everyone was under 21, at which point ur kinda screwed), also fight fire with fire, go tell the principal that he threatened you or some ♥♥♥♥ (i know the event happened in the past and that everythings been forgotten about in terms of feelings about the event)

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smoker, did u have to beat the guy up with 10 of ur friends? how does that make u better, u couldve just told him to leave the house, if he didnt, u would call the police and tell them that hes trespassing in ur house (unless there was alcohol involved and everyone was under 21, at which point ur kinda screwed), also fight fire with fire, go tell the principal that he threatened you or some ♥♥♥♥ (i know the event happened in the past and that everythings been forgotten about in terms of feelings about the event)


1. It made me feel better because as a man I have a natural desire to conquer.

2. Yes we were sophomores in highschool

3. No no no no no no no. The point that I was trying to drive home is that we don't ask other people for help; we solve things ourselves or with our friends.

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1. It made me feel better because as a man I have a natural desire to conquer.

2. Yes we were sophomores in highschool

3. No no no no no no no. The point that I was trying to drive home is that we don't ask other people for help; we solve things ourselves or with our friends.


Smoker I don't think a 10v1 is really fair. Even if he was a weseal ♥♥♥♥♥ (I REALLY hate those) you could have just fought him 1v1 and won (I don't know your body type, but If you're small like me you could fight a bit dirty). I feel you put others in a situation where if he went to the cops they'd be in as much trouble as you. I think a 10v1 is irresponsible and a tad bit immature (but you were in the 10th grade so I guess that doesn't apply). You could have killed the kid if someone kicked him in the back of the neck too hard. Even if he is a piece of ♥♥♥♥, he's still a person and now he'll probably be scarred for the rest of his life. How do you know he didn't come from some abusive home so he has to take his misplaced anger out on you?

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getting kicked in the vag is nothing (from what ive read/heard), getting kicked in the balls is what hurts like hell, it doesnt just stop like an hour later, it KEEPS hurting for days and days, i once sat on one of my balls and it was the worst feeling in the world, it felt like someone was pinching them to the point that they pop like a balloon, *shudders*

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Haha, I could see how someone would think that from a superficial reading of my post. I guess I should clarify it for some of you.


Never have I ever dreamed of persecuting those considered "different". If you want to ♥♥♥♥ men, do it. If you want to listen to Goth music? Do it. If you want to play video games all day and watch anime porn and listen to Hatsune Miku and talk like a Japanese person, do it. I have no problem with that and I would have to be a pretty big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if I judged you for stuff like that. No, I do not judge on the basis of Sex, Race, Religion, Interests, or Sexual Orientation, because my parents raised me correctly and I'm just an intelligent person who knows better.


The kind of kids that I ♥♥♥♥ing hated are the ones who think that they are untouchable because they can tell the teacher on you. The kind of person who will try and threaten you with "If you do that I'm gonna tell the teacher/my mom/your dad on you!"


I guess it was alright for the guy to make fun of my stutter right? But as soon as I started to settle things the way that kids in the 4th grade do it, he has to start bawling his eyes out and tell the teacher on me. That's bullying, right?


Have you never seen a guy try pitifully to hit on a girl and cracked a few jokes at his expense? That's what guys do; but this little rodent and his Superiority complex couldn't take a few measly jokes at his expense and immediately did the one thing that he knew would get us in trouble, he told the principal and claimed bullying.


I think there is a major difference between actively seeking out victims who will not defend themselves,

and taking revenge on cowardly and insidious sociopaths who are actively trying to ♥♥♥♥ you over. The kind of person who is so socially damaged that they will try and ♥♥♥♥ over nice people like myself using an authority figure since they are too cowardly to stand up for themselves.


But apparently that is considered bullying.

Alright, I get that. To be honest I wasn't sure the intent of your original post, on the surface seeming to lean towards a negative direction, but meaning something much different. Sorry for my quick judgement.

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How do you know he didn't come from some abusive home so he has to take his misplaced anger out on you?

You're right, I didn't know his background; all I knew was that he snitched on us for something that we thought was just innocuous teenager horseplay. I think it was a good learning lesson for him though.


And taking out your aggression on someone else is just a cowardly thing to do in general so I feel no remorse for his selfish needs.


Alright, I get that. To be honest I wasn't sure the intent of your original post, on the surface seeming to lean towards a negative direction, but meaning something much different. Sorry for my quick judgement.

Yeah that's why I elaborated on it. As much as I say "♥♥♥♥in ♥♥♥♥♥♥" or "♥♥♥♥♥♥ cocksucker" or "dirty smelly ♥♥♥♥♥♥" on the server, I really mean those as terms of endearment and not to put anyone down since bullying people that I have never met before or seen is just stupid.


And while I would never condone or celebrate something like Bullying, I feel like it is was necessary hardship to temper our personalities back in the day.


I just look at the younger generation and feel like they have had everything handed to them; we are literally not allowed to tell them anything that might hurt their feelings or discourage them.


What is the result? I feel like kids are just getting stupider, more self-entitled, selfish, and greedy.


And when things don't go their way they are helpless.


The bullying was so bad in my day that nothing really phases me or my generation. And that's an important thing to learn. You have to learn that some people are just haters and you need to deal with it. If you let all the haters get to you then you still have a lot to learn about yourself, but if you endure it your self-confidence will be unshakable. That's how I see it anyways.

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ive been bullied my whole life. This year though havent really been bullied which is good.


I know that feel bro. 9th grade was really bad for me because I had like 20 people saying stuff about me just because of stupid rumors. I just moved to BC and it's so much better. People are way nicer here, and I'm actually happy. I'm sorry that you had to go through those hardships, I've been bullied as well. I can fight them, I just choose to be the bigger man and leave it to a certain point.

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Teachers caught on tape bullying special-needs girl[/url] ♥♥♥♥ like this make me realize how ♥♥♥♥ed the world can be.


There's a song I really love by Rise Against called September's Children (Make It Stop) which was decicated to the people who killed themselves because they were bullied to death because they were different. I suggest listening to the song, its great and I love it <3


There's a quote I've always hear lately with bullying being more of a problem in schools, "It maybe hard now, but it gets better in the end"


Omg. The story about the special needs kid made me cry, I can't believe people would do that, but that's the world now.

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