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Plugin Ideas

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I like poncher's suggestion. You could also have it so that guns are given to CTs after a certain period of time.


I dont know much about plugins, so I don't know how plausible this is. My idea would be you type !days, pick warday, and after 60 seconds the Ts get a prompt to pick a primary and secondary.


This could be useful on maps like Summer Redux where there is a limit number of guns to be picked up.

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I originally liked the idea where bombs where bought at 12k and used, and only so many could have them.


I never understood why it became a problem. The only problem I could thing of is people holding them, and that never really seemed prevalent.


I say we go back to the original idea and we fix problems from there instead of adding more features like sizable bombs and an unlimited money cap causing more problems.

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The drugs plugin would be interesting to have. Cts shouldnt have access to it.


Perheps make a plugin where a T is randomly selected to be a zombie, tons of health and walks very slow, only able to knife.


Alot of crying about Ts being too powerful with bombs, I have to disagree, I feel T's are underpowered.

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