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It is EVERY DAY...

You said it yourself, can't handle jokes. i would understand in person, maybe. but this is the internet man. chill the ♥♥♥♥ out

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DuckiiJr. you should really just remove/block all of your steam friends who say this ♥♥♥♥ :( If they say it in game, kick/ban them


Or is this something on facebook or twitter?

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send them my way when they talk ♥♥♥♥, trust me, i will intestinally rape each and every one of them, that and a 1 week ban for trolling/admin disrespect with no chance of unban

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DuckiiJr. you should really just remove/block all of your steam friends who say this ♥♥♥♥ :( If they say it in game, kick/ban them


Or is this something on facebook or twitter?


I agree if you can't handle retarded kids being retarded than block them and don't talk to him. It makes things easier and honestly if you don't do that than you must like the drama and to complain about it. Might sound like a ♥♥♥♥♥ but eh.

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[ATTACH]964.vB[/ATTACH] here's the truth of the matter, the world isn't easy. if you don't like something in life and let it bother you, you will hate it. being on forums asking for help and sympathy, is essentually bull ♥♥♥♥. your letting the world keep you down. stand up and stop feeling ♥♥♥♥ing sorry for yourself. your a mod. if your being trolled, act accordingly. if its on steam, block them. its that ♥♥♥♥ing simple.


Oh and Ronald Reagan because well I like Ronald Reagan.


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<img src="https://xenogamers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=964"/> here's the truth of the matter, the world isn't easy. if you don't like something in life and let it bother you, you will hate it. being on forums asking for help and sympathy, is essentually bull ♥♥♥♥. your letting the world keep you down. stand up and stop feeling ♥♥♥♥ing sorry for yourself. your a mod. if your being trolled, act accordingly. if its on steam, block them. its that ♥♥♥♥ing simple.


Oh and Ronald Reagan because well I like Ronald Reagan.


This x1000...people only do it to get a reaction out of u. If u don't react to them, they stop. Its honestly that simple. Dont feed the trolls.

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I wasnt asking for sympathy... I wanted to get this out to tell people that im tired of this ♥♥♥♥. I know im admin but...most of it hasnt really been in game.

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1.tell everyone you're gay.

2.they get desperate to troll you

3.they start calling you straight




This thread really isn't the place for trolling.

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Yea... Please don't troll on such a situation this can cause some trouble soo before more trolls come i will be closing this thread.


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