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Roma Surrectum II

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ima start an AAR which is an after action report on my game "Roma Surrectum II" which is a mod for rome total war that focuses on the 28 legions of rome and stuff. i basically play the campaign (which i make an empire) and take screenies and post them and tell ppl whats happening in the picture.


so id post a picture of me fighting the macedonians and saying how the army that they have is the only thing protecting their capital and if i win, ill have a straight shot to their city.


its super fun for me and balances realism with gameplay, ie battles are easily won if played right. im not sure when ill start it, most likely tmw after i finish my last exam before i get a week and a half to study for 2 other exams. ill be playing as the romans of course, which also means that ill be having the civil war after a long time or so playing it.


so just a heads up to anyone whos interested in hearing more

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as of now, i lost the savegame for spqr cause it was on my previous hard drive that died out of nowhere, but my bro found some software that might be able to restore the data that is on it, also spqr was at the point where it was super hard to organize legions cause i could only recruit 1 legion per city cause i was following the house rules and i was missing local spearmen in italy, meaning my legions were incapable of fighting unless they had spearmen (house rule i made for myself, if an army lacks swordsmen/spearmen/cavalry/missile units, then it cant be used for battle if its a front-line unit)


and besides RS2 is a lot of fun for me cause the legions can be built in multiple cities and they are also more balanced so im not facing an army thats 50% bigger than mine with both armies at full strength. also there is the civil war which is rly rly fun to play, and the unique legions look soooo badass

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ima post the first update on my campaign, i skipped like the first 10 turns cause i forgot to start fraps and i didnt plan on making an AAR at the time. it was mostly me fighting hannibal and the roman rebels, basically the hard part in the beginning, after which it got a lot easier


heres my faction when i started the AAR





this is my faction a few days after, i mostly spent time building up italy and making it an economic powerhouse





this is my northern border, its as far as ill go north atm, at least until i secure spain and northern africa, massilia (the city on the map there) is being turned into a fortress city to protect italy against the gauls (barbarians to the top left of the map in france) and it will also be used as a forward operating base when i invade france in the future


image dead.



there seems to be something like a cold war starting to happen between me and carthage (the white faction in spain and africa), i forced an army of theirs to retreat into their ships which were quickly sunk after, they have also been asking for a ceasefire since





this is the second huge city that i had captured, i sieged it for like 9 turns and reduced their army from like 3400 something to like 600 while losing none of my own and got 35k from exterminating it, now its used as a learning center for family members and generals, and its providing a lot of money





carthage sent a sizable army to caralis and in return i beefed up my navy and sent another full stack there (also in preparation for invading carthage)





soon after i start my turn, i get a message saying that spartas been destroyed and i look to see this, the ptolemaiens (eqyptians) invaded and conquered them in the same turn, and i was like FUUUUU now i have a bigger faction to deal with when i invade greece -_-





this are the roman rebels, they have built a sizable force in the former spanish colony and might be preparing to strike outward, at which point it will destabilize the region and allow me to strike when both the romans and the carthaginians are weakened from war





this is the situation in spain, the gallacaei (brown faction in northern spain) are soon gonna border with the carthaginians, at which point, they will have no choice but to attack them in order to expand, there could be a huge war in spain between the two, cant wait to see how it turns out











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ya sure go ahead, i found the mod like a year-ish ago, ill post the link in the forums


this is the download link

Roma Surrectum 2.0 DOWNLOAD (links and description in the first post)


and this is the patch for it, u need to put the patch in cause it fixes a bunch of stuff and makes it easier to recruit units

RS II: PATCH 2.1a (including all previous fixes)


those are the ones that im using for my game

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update on my campaign:

turns out the barbarians to the northwest (gauls, the green faction in france) decided to move troops near my borders, so i sent my army out to the bridge to hold them off there, then this happened:




i beat their 4000 strong army with my higher quality units and only lose around 100 of my own guys, they asked for a ceasefire after that, they have several mroe north of that city but going towards germany


remember that cold war island place? well it turns out that carthage is getting too strong for my liking so i decided to pull my forces out from there, leave 1 unit inside so they dont capture it instantly and mass them around their capital city of carthago





this is their main city and the landings for my invasion of northern africa, i already have a general whos perfect for that city, hes like 20 yrs old and has like 6-7 management scrolls (out of 10 max, so thats excellent)





and this is the landings itself, with 2 stacks coming from the north and 2 stacks from the east, i quickly siege their un-walled town and capture it in the same turn





these are the attacks so far, i sieged all 3 of the cities there and i take them the next turn and exterminate the populations which gives me a lot of money and helps to control the happiness levels as well





2 turns or so after i captured the 3 cities, carthage retaliates with 2 stacks, 1 stack with heavy cavalry, elite units, heavy and light spearmen and skirmishers, the second is like a backup stack, its gonna be the first major battle as they fight to repel me from their lands, but it will not be the last major battle thats for sure





and thats where its at so far, after i fight the 2 stacks off, im probably gonna push eastward in north africa a bit, then ill launch another invasion into spain to take their other major city and recruitment center, also to secure the gold and silver mines of spain


i plan on turning carthago into a major recruitment center and a base of operations for the north africa theater and a key resupply point for the spanish theater







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