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♥♥♥♥ing tags, bro.

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I think subclans are ♥♥♥♥ing stupid, most anyway. They're just a way of confusing people, I think you should only be able to put 1 on max...XD

xG |, [xG], [xG:M] , [xG:A], [xG:D], [xG:C], [xG:L], that is all, and the admin/mod/div leader with the | instead of []

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starting new subclan called the alphabets, anyone can join whos in xg, this is the tag u wear [xG][abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]



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I don't /cry


i agree though.


the front should be reserved for rank (staff) and the back for subclans.


also, whats up with people doing "xG l [insert name]" or "]xG[" that looks so stupid.

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[xG:Tobe,ornottobe--thatisthequestion:Whether'tisnoblerinthemindtosufferTheslingsandarrowsofoutrageousfortuneOrtotakearmsagainstaseaoftroublesAndbyopposingendthem.Todie,tosleep--Nomore--andbyasleeptosayweendTheheartache,andthethousandnaturalshocksThatfleshisheirto.'TisaconsummationDevoutly to be wished.Todie,tosleep--Tosleep--perchancetodream:ay,there'stherub,ForinthatsleepofdeathwhatdreamsmaycomeWhenwehaveshuffledoffthismortalcoil,Mustgiveuspause.There'stherespectThatmakescalamityofsolonglife.Forwhowouldbearthewhipsandscornsoftime,Th'oppressor'swrong,theproudman'scontumelyThepangsofdespisedlove,thelaw'sdelay,Theinsolenceofoffice,andthespurnsThatpatientmeritofth'unworthytakes,WhenhehimselfmighthisquietusmakeWithabarebodkin?Whowouldfardelsbear,Togruntandsweatunderawearylife,Butthatthedreadofsomethingafterdeath,Theundiscoveredcountry,fromwhosebournNotravellerreturns,puzzlesthewill,AndmakesusratherbearthoseillswehaveThanflytoothersthatweknownotof?Thusconsciencedoesmakecowardsofusall,AndthusthenativehueofresolutionIssickliedo'erwiththepalecastofthought,AndenterpriseofgreatpitchandmomentWiththisregardtheircurrentsturnawryAndlosethenameofaction.--Softyounow,ThefairOphelia!--Nymph,inthyorisonsBeallmysinsremembered.]


Awwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

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i agree though.


the front should be reserved for rank (staff) and the back for subclans.


also, whats up with people doing "xG l [insert name]" or "]xG[" that looks so stupid.


excuse me, "xG l [insert name]" is the BEST way to do it. lol. I'm not a fan of the ]xG[ but who cares :P as long as people can recognize what position the player has in the clan, does it matter what the tag is? This is my problem with the long tags.

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excuse me, "xG l [insert name]" is the BEST way to do it. lol. I'm not a fan of the ]xG[ but who cares :P as long as people can recognize what position the player has in the clan, does it matter what the tag is? This is my problem with the long tags.


in that case, we should rename "xG" to be "Messy Steve | Colour"

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