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I've gotten so much sh*t about my voice. EVEN xG MEMBERS ARE DISRESPECTING ME! YOU GUYS ARE THE BIGGEST A*SHOLES ON THE INTERNET! THERE IS SO MUCH DISRESPECTING GOING ON IN THIS SERVER! JERRY HAS BEEN DISRESPECTED! I HAVE! AND THE ADMINS DON"T DO ANYTHING! THEY SAY IT OVER THE MIC SO YOU CANT PROVE IT! I am so pissed. People wont even want to join xG. If the disrespect doesn't stop. I leave. I have reffered many friends to our servers. Now I don't like Jerry. But its not nice to disrespect. If you say "Hi" to someone on the street. And they have a high voice... Would you disrespect and insult them? NO! YOU WOULDN'T! If you did you would be considered the a*shole of society. Now I know my voice is high to comparrison. But I'm 13. Not f*cking 20. I go on our servers because they are the most fun and they have "some" nice people. Now admins need to do more and you guys just need to stop.

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Yes, mick, I'm always telling people to shut up about your voice and jerrys voice, because they're fine. If anyone does anything or says anything, tell me. I'll come in there and straighten them out. If that doesn't work, then there is always the helpful ban hammer.

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+1 themick i feel you pain, it doesn't happen to me though it happens a lot to others as far as i see. I agree this is major disrespect and should not be tolerated. like you said if your walking down the street and you dropped ur wallet and a guy with a high voice called after you and gave it back to you, would you yell at that guy that hes a high pitched ♥♥♥♥♥♥ or to ♥♥♥♥ off? no you wouldn't do that (be realistic jokes aside we know only the biggest scum of society would do that.) this type of trolling should not be ignored. moderators and admins need to be more on this and not allow it to happen.


EDIT: - the only problem with someones voice i have is Joshi.... and i think we all know why that is.

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Yeah, it does get out of hand. We need to get rid of the "mature voices" bullspot, people hide behind it and then troll.


I'll keep my ears open for it and put a stop to it.

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tbh i dont hate kids cause of their voice..... i hate the way they act...

now mick lots of ppl do disrespect u i agree that shudnt be allowed.... and ur voice is fine btw i dont no who disrespects u..

and im sure admins do their job btw....

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I feel your pain mick. Thats why I have hardly been using my mic now for the past like 2 months. I always got trolled and told to stfu and stuff. But anyways if anyones giving u crap tell me. I will...kindly..kick their ♥♥♥. :)

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dude i dont see what was wrong with ur voice u sound normal to me... we had fun earlier today too.... jerry just annoys me cause hes a terribad warden... but ur a good one so no one should complain...

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