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Slay threatened for LRing

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Note: I'm not taking sides on this issue, this is my opinion and if it hurts your feelings, too bad.


Okay, so I was in jailbreak when this happened. I do believe it was a few minutes after 0:00 which should give moderators and admins the right to slay.

So you're probably wondering why. Allow me to visualize two different events.


A.) It is last request and it is 3 minutes after 0:00. The terrorist is doing knife fight with the remaining 4 counter-terrorists. It only takes roughly a minute for the round to end.

B.) It it last request and it is 3 minutes after 0:00. The terrorist is doing chicken fight with the remaining 4 counter-terrorists. Both the counter-terrorist and terrorist are terrible at chicken fight and so each chicken fight can take up to 2-3 minutes.


Which one sounds slay-able to you? There are 30-40 other people waiting for the round to end and all they can do is sit and watch two morons go at it when they can't even chicken fight properly.


Now, I'm not saying that Ben is completely right in this because he's not. It is true that the terrorist has managed to get last request and he should be rewarded for it. But do realize that there's a difference between abuse and trying to get the round over with. If I was on the only moderator on at the time, I would have said the same thing that Ben did.


So, all in all, I believe that the terrorists should be allowed to do whatever last request they want as long as they aren't horrible at it.



LOOOOL Trif. Thanks for the opinion. Especially the very last part ;). You look nice today.


I DO understand what you're saying; I believe my biggest issue is the way this was approached. Flat-out being told "stop doing what you want (Even though it is technically okay) or you will get slayed." Suppose I were to be asked "Hey man some dead people are angry, do you think you could hurry it up?" SUUURE! I would love to, now that I know people truly are complaining. He didn't have to be a cunt about it.

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We all have been in the same position, waiting for a round to end. It's boring, stupid and overall time-wasted. Do you honestly believe that picking Chicken Fight was the best decision for a server, a full server no less, with you and some other person left as the Last Request? That's just ridiculous, use you brain once in a while. I know you would be the exact same way if somebody did this. Sure, you might not post on the forums, but you would be thinking "This guy is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥." Next time, think ahead, and this type of thing won't happen. It wasn't like he banned you. It was one slay that delayed your gameplay for a mere fifteen seconds or so. Relax.

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That's just ridiculous, use you brain once in a while.


Lol nice one.


And nope, I demand an apology. I will take this apology only in the form of an annual present for the next 15 years. Must spend at least 20 dollars on it, as well.

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Herpes what the hell are you talking about? Nobody even said this was abuse, and everyone came to a reasonable agreement. Did you even read the thread?

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Ben, he said this "This WAS abuse for reasons clearly stated. Don't do it again."

That's what he's talking about lol. Thanks herpes for really thinking it through.

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Herpes, it wasn't really abuse, as much as it was a threat. He NEVER slayed him. Just told him NOT too. Which I think was kinda fair, given the time in the round (a couple mins past 0:00) it was delaying the round, but also what colour said, ben COULD'VE said it nicer, instead of "Do chicken fight again, and I'll slay you" I know colour, and he would've been ok with it.

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Herpes what the hell are you talking about? Nobody even said this was abuse, and everyone came to a reasonable agreement. Did you even read the thread?


What I'm saying is, this was abuse. >.< He can pick whatever LR he wants to as long as the member of the lr aren't delaying the lr itself(like running away from eachother). So, this. Was. Abuse.



Herpes, it wasn't really abuse, as much as it was a threat. He NEVER slayed him. Just told him NOT too. Which I think was kinda fair, given the time in the round (a couple mins past 0:00) it was delaying the round, but also what colour said, ben COULD'VE said it nicer, instead of "Do chicken fight again, and I'll slay you" I know colour, and he would've been ok with it.


He can't threaten either, he would not let him pick chicken fight again.

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This WASN'T abuse. I didn't slay anyone, what I did was warn him because this round needed to end. Colour, are you so god damn dense that you can't realize that? Boohoo, it's not abuse because you made the round miserable for everyone but yourself.

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This WASN'T abuse. I didn't slay anyone, what I did was warn him because this round needed to end. Colour, are you so god damn dense that you can't realize that? Boohoo, it's not abuse because you made the round miserable for everyone but yourself.


You obviously do not understand why this was abuse. If they were delaying the lr it would be understandable. But he can always lr.

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Ben Dover you don't need to specifically insult me now, ruuude :(


@E.Z.Kill Threatening someone is just as bad as actually abusing; you are using your position to change something you don't like, yo!


---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------


�(TO ADMINS) [xG] Sinatra: � but for real it is my favourite lr. i think it's fun

�(TO ADMINS) [xG] Sinatra: � :3

[xG:C] Duckii : than i see no reason why u cant play it

[xG:C] Duckii : if its so bad.

[xG:C] Duckii : i dont see any people

[xG:C] Duckii : wanting to protest it

*DEAD* [xG] Sinatra : !boom

�(TO ADMINS) [xG] Sinatra: � DUCKII YOU UNDERSTAAAND :D :D :D <3 yay. thanks dood.

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