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Dear xG and others

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Well hello everyone :) It is I DuckiiJr. here to tell you shtuffs XD. Ok first off today I believe was the day I joined xG 1 year a go. Although my forum name says I joined like Jan.3? O_o lol. Anyways so lemme tell you some history and shtuffs. Okeeee so first off a year and a half a go I started playing CS:S on my brother Jake's steam account. I would get on whenever he was at work. Eventually in December I got a Steam account and then I searched "jail" on CS:S randomly. I then clicked 1 of the servers that popped up (the xG jailbreak). I joined and Silence and ♥♥♥♥(y) Blaster were in the server and some very interesting girl on the mic I dont remember who they were. So after a while I decided hey these people are pretty cool and funnayyyyy. So I asked ♥♥♥♥(y) about joining the clan. So he sent me a friend request and I got the invitation to xenogamersssss yeaaaa ;D. Oh and btw back then I went by Siberian :p.


So anyways after a week or so I met Duckii the greatest person and friend ever :D. Though we didn't really talk much back then XD. I also met trollface later on who I thought was pretty cool. He seemed to like me and we was cool and shtuff. Until he turned evils and left and started another clan and ♥♥♥♥ like that. So anyways moving forwardddddd to March 2011. Me and teh amazing Duckii started talking to each other more and got a long cuz we are both nice peoples XD. One day in early march me and her were playing minigames and I decided mayyyynnnnn she so cool I wanna be her jr. So I asked her if I could be DuckiiJr. and she said yeahhhhh and I was like yeaaaaa :D and this post is probably making me sound dumb lol but yeah. So yep been DuckiiJr. for 9 months now and proud of it! Later sometime in May is when I got my mod. Shikaku (who went by Silence Jr at the time) had recommended me for mod :D. So the first day I totally abuse on minigames and nobody knew about it (dont demote me? D:) XD. After that I met ninjew and xavien21. They were 2 of 3 of my best friends XD. During the summer it was so fun me xavien and ninjew stayed up and like talked at 3am and had good times and laughed our asses off and stuff. Yeahhhh I miss those times :| June 23, 2011 I will never forget that day for sure lol. I probably shouldn't mention it to everyone so I just wont say it :p.

I am very proud to still be in xG despite a lot of ♥♥♥♥ thats went on lol. Silence your doing a good job with keepin the server running and stuff and Aegean, Duckii, Serbian, Billy, Herpes you guys are all doing a amazing job keeping this clan together :). Since I joined xG this clans gotten so muchhhh bigger thats for sure lmao. Which is a good thing a bad at the same time. Anyways keep up the amazing work peoples!


What is about to come up IS NOT for attention and I apologize to anyone who thinks that or doesn't want to hear it. Later in the year I started getting trolled majorly and I started caring about things even more. I got depressed a lot and still do. I felt super shitty and felt like nobody really cared about me and was always and still am down on myself. I started thinking of suicide. Then I thought of it every single day it seemed like. Sometimes I would post my feeling on the forums and people got mad about it. I figured I could type it because xG literally seems more a family to me than my real family. I started getting really down and seems all things did for me was get worse all the time. I get bullied now a lot but some kid in my science class. I lost my great friend Xavien the one who really was there for me in good and bad I guess he just had the last straw with me :|. I then lost another friend. A girl who I loved very much. Canadia. She was also there for me whenever I was down. She turned against me. The only true friend that has still stuck with me is Duckii. I also met another good peron. Tarin and others I started getting attached to like Papichulo, Lissa, my Uncle Jay ;D (jaybreeze), Drank Jr.(no longer in xG), Luka, Trif, Otherworldly<3, Floodles, Penguin(yes im serious XD), Tragik (this guy I swear <3), Speechluss(I miss him :(, and Rabbit :D. Out of all them besides Duckii, Tarin and Lissa have been my greatest friends. You guys stuck up for me and was there for me a lot and make me really happy (usually) :D. I would like to thank all of you for helping me through ♥♥♥♥ and just being really nice people to me. I am glad I met a lot of you guys. Thank you so very much, but the biggest thank you goes to Duckii. You have been the nicest person to me and greater than any friend I have ever and could ever have! But yeah I couldn't ask for better friends right now :).

I love you guys! Oh and don't feel sad or get pissed if I didn't mention you :P cuz u know I love you :D....maybe.


Btw this is early....but still XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4ep3OIIKcM (and my apologies for making this look crappy but idk how to really edit my stuff on forums)

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I feel so loved....

HEY HEY DUCKIIJR REMEMBER THAT ONE TIME WHEN UHH....it was like 4 am and i first met you on jb with 3 ppl and both of us were scared to use our mics...and we were both cts.. this was before you got mod...and we were good friends :D!

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China called, they want their wall back....












Just kidding, that was beautiful man.



^show some respect, duckiijr is just telling us his story...like E.Z. Which is fine. I love to see this :D



But, see? Now this clears things up :D

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-1 simply because my name was not mentioned... i feel unloved... ima ab00se on you in bed tonight cuz this... i mean ♥♥♥♥ did I tell our secret?

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