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Now I know the MOTD and i know the rules about baiting and how if you knife some one your automatic rebel.. but hear me out.. just a suggestion not trying to tell you how to run you servers.. but What if the ct is in knifing distance or in your line of walking or where ever your going.. and your following orders there just in the way..(Baiting) well idk bout you but i want to kill him.. really badly... and i knife him once and all cts kill me... tho he was in my way and if he was never there.. then there wouldnt be that problem.. but my suggestion is.. if a ct is in the way or in knifeing distance and is baiting he should first off be slayed but if a T knifes him i dont think they are a rebel.. Thats like puting cake infront a fat kid who hasnt ate in weeks.... so do you see my point here.. its really not our fault if we rebel... hes asking for it.. and one time i was randomly knifeing and cts jumpes into it and turns and killes me..

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The reason why your considered a rebel when you actually knife them is because in the past we allowed t's to knife them but the problem was they would have guns after knifing the Ct and would rebel while in the stack of T's which makes it much harder for CT's to keep orders if Ct's constantly bait. Its already hard enough for Ct's to keep people from rebelling.

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The reason why your considered a rebel when you actually knife them is because in the past we allowed t's to knife them but the problem was they would have guns after knifing the Ct and would rebel while in the stack of T's which makes it much harder for CT's to keep orders if Ct's constantly bait. Its already hard enough for Ct's to keep people from rebelling.


+1 this. I've played on servers where knifing is allowed "within knifing distance" and what happens is a giant ♥♥♥♥ show since everyone's opinion of "knifing distance" varies. Things are fine the way they are; if you have a problem with someone who is continually baiting, let the moderators know and we will deal with it.

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The reason why your considered a rebel when you actually knife them is because in the past we allowed t's to knife them but the problem was they would have guns after knifing the Ct and would rebel while in the stack of T's which makes it much harder for CT's to keep orders if Ct's constantly bait. Its already hard enough for Ct's to keep people from rebelling.


Why Would The Cts Bait In The First Place.. MOTD?!?!?!? Exactly So They Should Be Slayed Or Ct Banned...


Dont get me wrong I Agree with you.. but at the same time its in the motd not to bait so if they have read the motd then there wouldnt be a problem... you see where this is going... like i get it makes it harder.. but the thing is cts should bait and if they die by a knife bcuz of baiting then they should be slayed or ct banned.


and smoker what i mean by knifeing distance is one step foward othere than that they are running at you then they are a rebel in my opinion..

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Why Would The Cts Bait In The First Place.. MOTD?!?!?!? Exactly So They Should Be Slayed Or Ct Banned...


Dont get me wrong I Agree with you.. but at the same time its in the motd not to bait so if they have read the motd then there wouldnt be a problem... you see where this is going... like i get it makes it harder.. but the thing is cts should bait and if they die by a knife bcuz of baiting then they should be slayed or ct banned.


and smoker what i mean by knifeing distance is one step foward othere than that they are running at you then they are a rebel in my opinion..


But still, We get new players coming in Ct alot. If we were to remove the rule it would add much more trouble for the Ct's and only benefit the T's. This reason is because if the rule allowed the T's to knife the baiting Ct and get away with it they can take the gun after knifing and hide in the crowd of T's making it much more Difficult for the Ct's. I understand you guys are tempted to knife the Ct that is baiting but know you would be known as a rebel but still its not gunna help out since the server is usually around 30+ during the afternoons which makes it harder to keep order. Removing this rule will only benefits the T's.

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How bout a rule of getting cts that dont know the motd off ct... that would help this problem and many others.

I watch the same people play on ct for days and not know the motd, they openly show the lack of reading the motd and go on ct and stay there.

Yes mods suppose to take care of it ect, but like i said, these people are there for days doing the ♥♥♥♥ before a mod finally 1hr or 1wk bans them...

it gets tarted as ♥♥♥♥♥

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Although I support rebeling 100%, I do not think this should be the case. Duckii and Smoker have very nice points. If a CT baits, its a slay. Although a CT could accidently (like me from time to time) Have an A.D.D. Momment and forget where the t's are, or where they are going.

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