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Disrespect Part 2.

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mick dont get upset cause a couple ppl call u a girl :/....

its not like its true -.-

when u show that ur getting hurt by wat they say, they will only insult u more

learn to ignore :) maybe theyll leave u alone :)

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If you tell people you are being trolled, it only feeds the trolls to go harder.


Next time, send messages in admin chat, we can't see every little thing but if you popped a message in there i'm sure something would've happened, atleast a gag or mute.

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And I know my voice is high... But I went all the way through elementary and of middle school with people thinking I sound like a girl... Would you like this if you were me? No I didn't think so. And if you were me would you like it to continue? No I didn't think so. So shut up and try to help.

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When you get the chance, try to befriend an admin/mod, or two.


Also, the majority of random peeps who come through our JB server are infinitely worse than scum. I know its easier said than done, but you're better off ignoring them considering how useless the opinion of retards is.

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As many said, just ignore them . If you continue to react to it they will continue, Just ignore and don't say anything about it sooner or later they'll get bored of it and go on to the next person. Have any of you ever pay attention to these lyrics? V V V V V V





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I don't think you people understand. Internet bullying is still bullying. It hurts, especially when it's something that is a bit of a sore spot like Mick said his voice is. It's hard to ignore and he shouldn't have to. You should act online as you would act in real life. You're still interacting with real people who have real feelings. You can hide behind yoru keyboard and act like a badass, but that just makes you a coward, not the badass you try to emulate.


If there were no mods on, please don't say "thanks mods" with sarcasm, though. You can easily send one of us a Steam message and we'll make an appearance and shut people up. We can't always be on, we try our best. If you send me a message I'll do my best to get on and help you.

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I don't think you people understand. Internet bullying is still bullying. It hurts, especially when it's something that is a bit of a sore spot like Mick said his voice is. It's hard to ignore and he shouldn't have to. You should act online as you would act in real life. You're still interacting with real people who have real feelings. You can hide behind yoru keyboard and act like a badass, but that just makes you a coward, not the badass you try to emulate.


If there were no mods on, please don't say "thanks mods" with sarcasm, though. You can easily send one of us a Steam message and we'll make an appearance and shut people up. We can't always be on, we try our best. If you send me a message I'll do my best to get on and help you.

"Imaging what those people look like behind their computer, They have so many problems"

All people say its the internet but many people can't ignore it. Nom!~

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No mods were there at the time. So nothing could be done....


Well then don't complain the mods didn't help. Add a few and call on them if you're having problems instead of crying about it on the forums and acting like it's OUR fault. You can't blame us for things done behind our back. You really need to understand YOU have to take the extra step or two to stop things like this, and no, forum posts won't stop it.

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Relax, CS:S is mostly trolls. That's why you have to ignore the stupid and annoying ones, and just listen to your fellow clan mates that are very friendly.

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I go on at odd times (early) so none of the mods I have added are on (Tarin, duckii jr, E.Z. Goodlollipop) and I can ignore the trolls that say that my voice is high. I just can't take the comment about me being a girl. I just can't ignore it. Makes me want to cry. I'm short skinny and am hitting puberty late so my voice won't be low for a few months/years. So sorry about the sarcasm... I was angry at the time. And I'm not tryin to say its the mods faults. I am just... Well... Idk. Nothing can really be done when no one is on.

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