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PieMan ban protest; Third party program

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I'm assuming this is a hacking violation as I kept on hearing it over the microphone before I was kicked(banned) off the server, thus I'm here to speak my part:

1. This is only a behavior assessment non the less I was accused 20+ times of hacking before I was banned and never gave it a second though nor replied to the other players.

I have nothing to hide, therefor nothing to be scared about. Why would I waist the worthless effort when I was in the server to have a good time.


2. Is it possible that I could review the demo's both the unedited and edited? Is there even one?

And what I mean by edited is to catch a aimbotter there's a method by doing a simply thing to the video that will produce a satisfactory example of aimbot movement.


3. I don't personally have recording but I'm more than willing to go back in game and do this; My shot patters I.E: Legs,waist,chest, head were not ever consinstant.


Taking this a bit farther, Ive got 2-4+ kills in a short period of time where I would of got say:2 head-shots and 2 non-headshots(be it neck, chest, etc.). This being said, how is it possible for me to open my menu and toggle it to chest or head in a matter of seconds?

Without 1: Looking noticeable.

Without 2: Dyeing by the opposing team.

Keep in mind this was during a multi-kill of about 2-4+ kills, Seems to be a very disregard-able claim to put on a 2 year old account.


4. If you do your research you will find VAC will scan for memory changes and file In-constructions within the game port itself, if there is your banned.(And to hack, this is what needs to be done)

If vac detects a cheat it will not ban you instantaneously, rather 1-2 weeks after to confuse coders on what caused the detection in the hack.

If a higher admin wants to take the time and check the server logs, I have been playing on the Xeno-Gamers server for quite some time; way more than 2 weeks.


5. Would a hacker really take the time and effort not to mention the willingness to do and go through all of this just to regain access to 1 server? CD key's are extremely cheap in the right place so I doubt this is very plausible to say the least..


6. I actually sent a clan member over to the Xeno-Gamers MG server soon after I was banned to do the same thing(Kill people) and see what happens. Exactly 60 minutes later, 145 kills ; 19 deaths throughout 4 maps, he was not banned. This guy is as good if not better than me, there's a reason I take orders from him in scrim. Ah, and one of the maps his final score was something like 60+ kills : 5 deaths. Seem's awfully high.

I found this to be meaningless actually at a time due to the fact that what if there wasn't a admin in the server? But I was wrong, as my clan member reported to me a admin joined and was kicking people for breaking rules. But my clan member, untouched.


Any feedback or assistance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

-Thank you



Yeah, apparently; anyone better than our co-leader is a hacker.


I sure hope this isn't a real policy held for admins to execute upon people who supposibly "hack."

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Meh i just banned you based on how'd u played.. i started recording when u were looking around as if u had the hack menu up and was toggling. Than near the end i slowed down the video enabled wire mode and watched as u shot right abit before the first head poped out

For now just wait a second and i will see and let others see and verify it.

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Meh i just banned you based on how'd u played.. i started recording when u were looking around as if u had the hack menu up and was toggling. Than near the end i slowed down the video enabled wire mode and watched as u shot right abit before the first head poped out

For now just wait a second and i will see and let others see and verify it.



show us the video if you want us to have a wider perspective.

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So im still ablind to what im being accused of, wall hacks or aimbot?


I hope everyone here is comparing this video to a similarly edited scrim fraps'd video. A good scrim match, with skilled players.


On a end note there's obviously no aimbot telling by this video.. my crosshair never follows a single pixle the whole recording.


As for wall hacks I dont personally have a way to proof it, specially putting in the fact that server latency / player ping in something to take into consideration when your gonna slow a video of someone. To many calculations for me.

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I am accusing you of walling at the ending due to what i've seen at the beginning of the video where it seems like you were toggling.

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If you really are accusing me of walling,so its pretty fair to say my aiming is exponentially good. All this time I thought hackers were bad at games thus needed to hack. But ill just leave that at that since really its just non-sence on my side.


So can you explain to me where this goes from here?

To my understanding your the co-leader so im guessing this wont need to be approved by anyone or any "higher-up's."

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Also, i've watched through using wired and u aimer seem to be at the head of someone through the building and waited for him to come out. If i am wrong, i am sorry because i have not seen anyone playing like this, I've compared this with other players i played with i considered pro and also what rex says just ignore him.



I notice your aim was nice but it doesn't explain why u were aiming directly at someone head before the player had come out. I will wait on others and let them watch the video and see what the comment about it. If i am wrong i am truly sorry for the ban and will than unban you.


During the video i recommend u place these command in the hconsole before watching ~ sv_cheats 1 - R_drawothermodels 2 and than mat_wireframe 3

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I cant seem to find where you see this but do I really come off as an idiot? So stupid that i'd aim at somone through the wall?


Have you put into consideration my eyes arnt always on the crosshair, CSS FOV is what 160 degree's? you dont need to put your crosshair all the way to the east just to see who's on your left, you can put your crosshair to say North -east and still see who's on your left. I beleave this is called peripheral vision. I hope you understand what Im saying.


Although if my crosshair was exactly on his head while he was moving i'd say that was pretty suspicious, I mean unless he was close enough to me that he was on my radar. In that sence this would be nothing more than a aiming term called tracking.


And if im totally off track to what your saying my other thought was you just mean my crosshair goes to the head or something? But I usually alway's have my crosshair head level, its a pretty well known aiming tip.

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I watched the video, and I agree, there were some suspicious shots. But, we aren't 100% sure if it's hacks or skill.

But, at 13000 ticks, that was suspicious walling and aimbotting. Duckii is like the hacker person, you could say. She can tell if people hack or if it's skill. She thought it was hacking, so she banned you.


It did look as if you were aimbotting, and walling. I'm at a 0 right now, because I can't really tell...

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