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Hey this is a shout-out to TheRageWay and Duke<3Duckii.


Stop disrespecting me please, I don't like it. Posting on forums so there is visible proof to the entire clan when you are apologizing/disrespectingmeevenmore. I dunt like ur sass. asked both yaw Gs if u culd stop dat crap an u like "naw girl you are annoying so ♥♥♥♥ you." That really isn't cool; if you don't like me, don't play with me. Calling me out on jailbreak like "yeah colour stop taking warden you are a crap warden just leave we hate you adn ♥♥♥♥ you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ i hope you kill yourself" aint cool naw mean? get dat ♥♥♥♥ on lock. It's as bad as if I were to ever get mod again I would probably give you about 2 warnings (silence/kick) before I ban you guys. You make me want to leave xG, being such bad representations of it.


Btw: This forum page is called "Random," don't worry! This can be here...?

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screenshots cause i only said "It's not disrespect if its true" after some1 else not me or rageway had called you a retard. it was obviously a joke.

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Yes, i'm serious. I've told many-a admin and mod about this, but I don't see any less of it happening?


---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------


screenshots cause i only said "It's not disrespect if its true" after some1 else not me or rageway had called you a retard. it was obviously a joke.


A joke...to you! Calling someone retarded isn't funny, in my book. Maybe dat is just meee? I have an autistic sister.


The incident you describes JUST HAPPENED. like in the past 20 minutes. Who knows what else could have happened in the past weeks! (I do!)

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---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------




A joke...to you! Calling someone retarded isn't funny, in my book. Maybe dat is just meee? I have an autistic sister.


The incident you describes JUST HAPPENED. like in the past 20 minutes. Who knows what else could have happened in the past weeks! (I do!)


Well the point is, if you cannot handle being called a retard i suggest you mute me :)

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Dont worry Sean! I am going to be reporting them to Silence! :)


ThAnK yOu DuCkIi Jr I lOvE yOu.


And duke; that logic is simply appalling. You shouldn't be calling people retarded in the first place.


I annoy you...... you are rude to me..... you expect me to mute YOU? It's completely the other way.

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Well the point is, if you cannot handle being called a retard i suggest you mute me :)

I'm sorry, but don't just call someone a retard because he's not a very good warden/ct, you are a member and will probably become a mod, you are supposed to set an example, I woudn't be saying this if it was only one time, but this is not the first time I've seen it, you need to calm down and accept the fact that not everyone is as good warden/ct as you are.


btw, I don't think he's bad at all

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I'm sorry, but don't just call someone a retard because he's not a very good warden/ct, you are a member and will probably become a mod, you are supposed to set an example, I woudn't be saying this if it was only one time, but this is not the first time I've seen it, you need to calm down and accept the fact that not everyone is as good warden/ct as you are.


btw, I don't think he's bad at all


I never called him a retard i made a statement and it has nothing to do with him being a bad warden or ct. I'm never serious towards him -.- and this is honestly the first time hes said anything about it. if he had a problem with it before he could have added me and said something about it instead or even saying something over css would have been nice. i'm never sure if hes joking or being serious when he says disrespect.

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I should change my name to Sirius Black; me being so serious! (Bahaha, it was a joke.)



I asked you over minigames chat one time why you were being so rude to me, and I remember exactly what you said. "You are so annoying.. you need to be put in your place." All right maybe that isn't exactly it, but you said something along those lines. That is our issue, dog.

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I should change my name to Sirius Black; me being so serious! (Bahaha, it was a joke.)



I asked you over minigames chat one time why you were being so rude to me, and I remember exactly what you said. "You are so annoying.. you need to be put in your place." All right maybe that isn't exactly it, but you said something along those lines. That is our issue, dog.


uhhh ? i havnt played minigames for awhile i dont even remember playing with you o.o

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yeah dukes talked ♥♥♥♥ to me and sent me porn on steam, your kind of a moron Duke. On a side note, who would troll Sean, like I understand me, but why Sean?


+1 To remove mod. Absolutely in no shape or form should we allow some one to moderate the server who's an incompetent Wookie.


EDIT: Sorry, he isn't mod yet. however he shouldn't be allowed mod then.

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Colour, you look nice today.


Add me,

19/F/Cali hit me up babe


Trif, are we even friends on steam? I'm so going to send you pictures of my ♥♥♥♥ once I can find you. Ask anyone, I do it.

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