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2012 Election?

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I for one think this guy is amazing and a new hope for America. I'm Canadian and I even realize that he's not stupid and that he actually wants change for the USA in good ways. This guy sees the logical side of things and he just knows what he's talking about. How did he even lose in 08' when he ran? This guy is amazing and he needs to get into office and fix things.


How do you guys feel about the election? Me being Canadian, I use to live in the states for 3 years and I just looked up some stuff on the election and I found Ron Paul.


Who do you guys want to be in office?

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He's not going to win IMO because he isn't very marketable to the derps here, people think he's too old, and he isn't in the lead for the republican party.

I REALLY wish he would win though, but we're going to be stuck in a MItt Rommel-y vs Barrack Oblunder final and Oblunder is going to win because he "claimed" responsibility for killing Osama, which GREATLY increased his popularity.

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It'll be difficult for Ron Paul to win primary's considering his political ideals are off of the Republican mainstream. And as far as I remember, only registered Republicans can vote for Republicans.


I would LOVE for Ron Paul to be in office, but I also want BHO.


The rest are ♥♥♥♥ing idiots, especially Bachmann. It makes me want McCain over these losers.

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I vote for the one who stop's SOPA

I agree with Jimmy on this. All day.

All I gotta say is "♥♥♥♥ politics, its all bs, and corrupt, person with the most money wins not the smart knowledgeable one. Idk, all I know its that bringing the Us troops home won't resolve anything, Afghanistan will remain ♥♥♥♥ed up and get worse and us being there is not changing anything its making it worse. I'm just getting to the point that Presidents are just muppets ordered to say and do certain things. (Opinion) This is just my opinion, dont flame me, just expressing it.

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It'll be difficult for Ron Paul to win primary's considering his political ideals are off of the Republican mainstream. And as far as I remember, only registered Republicans can vote for Republicans.


I would LOVE for Ron Paul to be in office, but I also want BHO.


The rest are ♥♥♥♥ing idiots, especially Bachmann. It makes me want McCain over these losers.


Lol Bachmann dropped out of the race. It's funny because she said god told her she'd win. No joke

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