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1 week ban for Joshi3

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T[/color] we would make a nasty duo.


Agreed, but you need to stop thinking that you're so innocent and that were all the culprits. I never had anything against you, you just disrespected people and I didn't like it.

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3 Things.


1: How come you NEVER post in correct format? Do you just think you don't need to? It's there for a reason. Use it.

2: You're really going to get butt hurt of him doing that, when there is TONS of other people doing it, and you really just choose joshi, when there are plenty of other eager others?

3: This was done on forums, NOT servers. The most he'd get would be a forum ban for 1 day.. if even.



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Thanks EZ, Idk why i just like to mess with the format and fonts. sorry have always been like that since day 1. I will consider working on it.

I understand I rather him just stop and all of us move on. I wasn't trying to single out Joshi, or chickenlips, or any other member. Would you like to see 100 ban request?


( personally not me, got better things to do then figure out who all dislikes me. )


im not 1 for grudges or trying to get ppl banned cause like i mentioned before xG is a great place to play at and everyone deserves for hte most part to be allowed to hang around and most of us are old enough to post on forums and hopefully work it out before any actions from admin is taken





Trif- i don't care if ppl do not agree with my opinions, honestly I don't. The Hellos and goodbyes have for the longest time been used to let ppl know if you were coming or going so you didnt just suddenly become an INACTIVE member on the servers. NO WHERE DOES IT SAY I AM QUITING xG. The goodbye posting was because i was planning on not playing JB as much due to the level of harassment i felt i as receiving until a few other players convinced me to rethink my decision , I would never quit xG and IDK why you guys think that is what the hellos and goodbyes are strictly used for. Yes i did say i loved being part of the clan but lately since i came back the clan seems different and a bit sucky but no where did i say " I was quiting ". As for the trolls/donks/ etc I know many members of the clan who dont exactly like me or vise verse. The difference is and let me give an example,

Herpes and me have butted heads for the longest time over many things, but normally if we dislike something the other is doing we mention it, then move on as to not start a big deal. and because of that usually me and herpes end up chatting and figure out what page we are both on with a issue so we know how to make a resolution, instead of a bigger problem. (HERPES hope you don't mind me using you for an example :) )

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Or Instead of posting a ban request, you could either talk to said person/people on steam, or just make a thread asking for them to stop, & if it continues, then post a ban request...

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EZ Kill, most of them were already spoken to by admin during the Goat posting high plains did. And it did continue that is why this is here.

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Uh Alien, wtf are you talking about? I've never seen you on the server, I rarely play CT, and when I do, I know I don't freekill, so like, who the fuck are you?

Also I haven't been on the server in like, a week

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Hmm.. -1... I understand about the goats and stuff (sorry btw). But I think it would be unfair to only strictly punish joshi3, and I would probably plus one because Joshi3 you even have to admit you like to troll. But just due to the fact of how you counter-trolled I would have to stick with a -1.

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-1 for no proof. If you care enough to post a ban request at least grab links to the posts he made that you feel are worth a week ban. Otherwise it looks like trolling, not a legit ban request. Joshi3 is a good kid, sure he gets upset sometimes, but nothing worth a week ban.

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majorb why are u trying to get every1 in xG banned?

u get no proof and u hate on every1..

-1 joshi is cool tons of us love him and uh just cause he is in JETZ doesnt mean ur an automatic troll

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