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CS:S Ctf Balance discussion

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This was what me and rukibah went over, just our opinions. hopefully this will balance it out.


Cowboy: Balanced.

Suicide knifer- Balanced.

Scout: Balanced

Rifleman: Balanced.

Optical: A health buff to about 175 or 185, and speed debuff to 90

Silenced: speed buff to 120

Shotgunner: Balanced

Support: speed debuff to 60

Grenadier: a decent sized speed Buff would be nice for this. has fine health.

Light sniper: Health debuff to 150 and a speed buff to a 130 or 140

Heavy sniper: Speed buff to 80 and health debuff to 200 or 180


Make the re spawn timer 3-5 seconds also

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the respawn timer should prob be between 7-10 sec, 3-5 is not enough time for someone to take the flag, unless u want to move the flags farther from spawn

7- 10 is way to high. Wouldnt give them enough time to chase, you haven't been in since the new class was added.

3-5 is plenty of time for any rush classes. gives them a chance to get a bit of a headstart. and also for the person to catch up.

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I would agree to a 10 second respawn time because if there's a lot of players, it' going to be very hard to get the flag and return it while rushing classes constantly respawn fast.

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3-5 Is plenty of time. 10second is way to much. You don't even know really lol, it may not seem like a while but it is. just 10seconds will last for ever. Wouldnt give them a chance what so ever

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