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Alright, So it was a nice day on jailbreak, the map just changed to canyondam, & OH MAI GAWD, Myself & someone else are on CT. I proceed to call warden, & say "Out of cell you're a rebel" We then start unloading on the T's as they rush at us, gawd kills sakurai & someone else, sakurai says in admin chat "oh mai gawd killed me and like 10 others, slay?" I say I called out of cell you're a rebel, they were legit kills. (Over mic) I then next round post him saying the freekill thing in admin chat saying "lawl @ him only killed 2 people" & then it starts e.t.c. He's an overall douche, & needs to be kicked out of xG & banned for who knows how long. He just got unbanned, & is already starting again. I banned him for 1hr for him to chill, but it needs to be longer. He's making xG go downhill & we don't need him here


tl;dr sakurai is a douche & needs to be banned/kicked out of xG.





EZKill Whats your problem


Steam Community :: Error


(View all from today)





EDIT: I know he left, but I think he should be banned.

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I +1 a longer ban, I was there and did most of the work. I gagged him for a minute to get him to stop, he didn't so I kicked him, and then E.Z. banned him for an hour, everything E.Z. said is true.

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he already left xg and from what i read recently in forums, he quit before i could fire him, gnome saiyan?


meaning hes gone and out of xg (clarifying for everyone)


-sealed away in the last great time war

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