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9 Days. 2/3/2012

Who is your favourite character?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite character?

    • Rick
    • Shane
    • Lori
    • Andrea
    • Dale
    • T-Dog
    • Glenn
    • Sophie
    • Carol
    • Other? Explain below!

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I have posted this in General because I don't believe 'random' really suits this.


In 9 days our favourite little walkapocalypse will be here! If you don't know what I am talking about, I am talking about AMC's The Walking Dead! This is going to be a serious discussion and poll with who your favourite character is and why, who's backstory do you like the most, if you have read the comics or not, and which characters you want from the comics into the show in general. Also, which parts scared you, which parts did you hate, etc! :P


First off, I will explain who my favourite character is and why. I have two favourite characters in TWD, Shane, and Daryl. Firstly Shane, I have loved Shane since the first episode because of how much of a baddie he is, and how much of an attitude he has that makes us relate and click. Even though people see him as a narcissistic fuck, I disagree, I have always had a thing for the badboys and mean characters in shows, anime, movies, etc.


Daryl is my second favourite character because he reminds me of a character from a movie known as Smokin' Aces, except Daryl would happen to be much smarter and thoughtful. Even though he seems like a hick, redneck, whatever, he's probably the most amazing and successful person I have seen so far in this show.


My favourite part that has happened so far would be the most infamous part with Andrea and Shane in the car. That has got to be the best part in the entire world. ^_^;

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Shanes a dick.


Rick is clearly a better person. he wakes up and adjusts to the zombie apoc quickly. He does what needs to be done!!!

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Shanes a dick.


Rick is clearly a better person. he wakes up and adjusts to the zombie apoc quickly. He does what needs to be done!!!


You only like him because you're a homo for him.. <.<

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Shane ACTUALLY knows how to survive in the apocalyspe without all the moralfag bullshit lol. That's why everyone's jelly of him. But Rick DID WORK in the begining of the first season, and is overall more likeable, so I chose him.

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your just mad im gay for but not you >.>


I would respond.. but that has no english. :P


---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 PM ----------


Shane ACTUALLY knows how to survive in the apocalyspe without all the moralfag bullshit lol. That's why everyone's jelly of him. But Rick DID WORK in the begining of the first season, and is overall more likeable, so I chose him.


See, everyone thinks Shane is a dick because of the beginning he thought Rick was dead, and that Rick was gonna die, so it's not his fault he thought that. >.< But yeah, I just have a major thing for Shane.

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Shane ACTUALLY knows how to survive in the apocalyspe without all the moralfag bullshit lol. That's why everyone's jelly of him. But Rick DID WORK in the begining of the first season, and is overall more likeable, so I chose him.


Rick knows how to!

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Rick is a PUSSY and I probably would have shot him or left him multiple times if I was in the group


In all honesty i wouldnt wanna be in either or their groups o.o i'd probly be solo cause i dont trust people :s

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I'm sure you all know why.


fucking. yum.


---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------


The chicks. Duh.


BUT WHICH GIRL? I'd go lesbian for Andrea. nuff said. Fucking Revolver is a like a vibrator for her. :P


---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 PM ----------


Lol I could just camp in my basement XD


But is camping for LR against the rules?


depends.. ;)

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