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Glenn Beck

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Basically ill have been playing with xeno for a year this month. Im pretty dedicated i play only the xeno servers (slide jailbreak etc..) and even the minecraft server. Id really like another chance to get back in because i have stopped my trolling substantially. What harm can i do to the server. Id really appreciate this because it will show my year of playing on here hasn't been for nothing. This will probably be my last app because if i dont get it this time i will probably stop trying. I play jail break a few times a week but i cant do it every day. Id like to feel like a part of the xeno community after a year of not being in it. (besides the short time a was a member) Please consider me to be in this clan there are people who have only been playing for a month who get in and ive been playing for a year. We need someone with my kind of experience so people can see the dedication people have to this fine server. And one last thing. Smoker i know as soon as you see this you are going to -1 it and say a bunch of bad stuff bout me but hear this. I tried to talk this out with you like men. I sent you a message months after my ban apologizing for all i did and have told you multiple times if you want to let by gones be by gones and discuss our issues im more than happy to. You however never respond to me and when i do play with you, you actually asked someone if they wanted me banned because you could do it. People reading this i tried to talk to smoker but he is just being stubborn and wont listen to me. Just take that into consideration before you -1 this app because of that.

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+1 give him another chance, he's been mature & cool about this ever since he got banned/kicked out.


I haven't seen him troll 1 bit. He's a nice guy & can do good for the community. C'mon, we gotta forgive & forget.


He's active when he can be & knows the rules.

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Im sorry duckii jr

Decision: +1

Why: He has a good attitude as far as I had seen

Maturity: Good Enough lol

Activity: He's Definantly active

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Decision: -1

Why: Ban them all


Guess this

He is completely immature.

Maturity: He is extremely immature, would not represent xG well at all. Everytime he is on one of our servers I have to warn him about something he is doing wrong.

Activity: Usually see him on Jailbreak sometimes.

First off I dont see anything about those forum posts that is wrong. Maybe a little immature yes but anything agaisnt clan rules? no

second Everytime im on one of the servers i play on 3 xeno servers slide jail break and minecraft. Nobody ever plays slide and as for minecraft and jail break everytime i see you on there (i dont even know if you play minecraft) you do the complete opposite of what you said you have never told me when im doing something wrong maybe once but everytime im on there (which is almost everyday) id s lie. I was on there today and you told me nothing. I even typed something into admin chat and you wouldnt acknowledged it. Please dont lie about stuff just say you find me immauture because thats the only thing i will let you get away with

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Wut, I warn you all the time to stop trolling or being immature, I usually gag you every time I see you on for spamming or something. What did you type in admin chat? I've been on for like the whole day going afk and coming back and I don't remember seeing you soo..

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Wut, I warn you all the time to stop trolling or being immature, I usually gag you every time I see you on for spamming or something. What did you type in admin chat? I've been on for like the whole day going afk and coming back and I don't remember seeing you soo..


Look you have your reasons for not wanting me in the server and thats fine but i dont feel like getting in an argument right now

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Decision: -1

Why: Ban them all


Guess this

He is completely immature.

Maturity: He is extremely immature, would not represent xG well at all. Everytime he is on one of our servers I have to warn him about something he is doing wrong.

Activity: Usually see him on Jailbreak sometimes.


Couldnt have said it better myself. -1


---------- Post added 02-13-2012 at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-12-2012 at 11:50 PM ----------


Pixel Glen Becks Nipple Hair


Btw glenn, an elephant never forgets

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