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You Serious Steam?

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>Laptop harddrive dies

>gets it repaired for about 2 weeks

>gets it fixed and gets it back

>installs CSS & Steam

>Trys to run CSS

>Steam crashes everytime when it runs CSS

>Finds out its due to a Steam update that makes all Mac computers can't play anything at the moment till next update or soon.





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That's what you get for owning a mac >:3


Like I haven't heard that one before @__@


This is how people start nerd fights, at least you don't hear me saying "that's what you get for having a windows hurr durr"

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Mac computers


i found the leak sir, it seems ur using a mac for ur gaming needs


lol, but in all seriousness, macs arent rly designed to be gaming computers, they're good for school shit im assuming but not so much for games, i prefer windows cause its more flexible and suits my needs, but its whatever ones personal preferences are, if u like macs, then u like macs, ill still like pc's though

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i found the leak sir, it seems ur using a mac for ur gaming needs


lol, but in all seriousness, macs arent rly designed to be gaming computers, they're good for school shit im assuming but not so much for games, i prefer windows cause its more flexible and suits my needs, but its whatever ones personal preferences are, if u like macs, then u like macs, ill still like pc's though



Unfortunately 95% of extremely spoiled girls use Mac computers as a Facebook surfing machine :/

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No I had it for awhile, since 2007, been planning on getting a new one sometime


But...but.....Macs are bad................

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