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Serbian, he said football you dipshit. We aren't in fucking england now, are we? You know what the NFL is? Nation Football League. DO YOU PlAY FUCKING SOCCER THERE? NO. GTFOML.




btw, I love you.

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Serbian, he said football you dipshit. We aren't in fucking england now, are we? You know what the NFL is? Nation Football League. DO YOU PlAY FUCKING SOCCER THERE? NO. GTFOML.




btw, I love you.


Hey douchefag, incase you couldn't see, the flag next to Muffin says CANADA. football in ANY country other than America is soccer.






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Hey douchefag, incase you couldn't see, the flag next to Muffin says CANADA. football in ANY country other than America is soccer.








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EZ you got the realize that America is like the most backwards nation in the world. We do the exact opposite of everyone else because we won a war against England with the help of France because France was pissed at England for beating the shit out of them. So because Americans are so fucking arrogant we dont use the same measuring system, our name of sports is different, and instead of having REAL RALLY CAR RACING AND FORMULA 1 RACING WE FUCKING JUST DRIVE IN A CIRCLE AT FAST SPEEDS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO CRASH AND DIE!!! FUCK YA AMERICA RULES! No its doesnt, I live here and I fucking hate it.

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Hey douchefag, incase you couldn't see, the flag next to Muffin says CANADA. football in ANY country other than America is soccer.


Serbian, he said football you dipshit. We aren't in fucking england now, are we? You know what the NFL is? Nation Football League. DO YOU PlAY FUCKING SOCCER THERE? NO. GTFOML.




btw, I love you.


I'm gonna clear shit up on this. Yes, I am Canadian. However, when I said football I mean't American football. Here in Canada we do call "football" soccer. I do like to call soccer, football because thats the way it was mean't to be said, but in this situation I was referring to American Football. But I'm pretty sure EZ was just messing around, hence the white text. I never expected this one question to create a big shitstorm.


TL;DR: Ballsacks taste pretty good.

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