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Derek the Duck member submission

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I've been playing on the xG Jailbreak server for a while now and its alot of fun. The people are just boss. The jailbreak server is boss overall. Im not a derp lol I like the community too, making the server more fun :D

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Looks like there's another duck seeking for a clan! Hello fellow feathery friend. :angel:


Decision: +1

Why: I have seen him around quite a bit, nice guy, no problems with him, never have seen him break rules so seems to know motd good

Maturity: 8/10

Activity: Very active in Jailbreak

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Decision: +1

Why: Cool and friendly and knows MOTD when playing jailbreak

Maturity: 10/10 very mature

Activity Active on jailbreak and minigames

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decision: +1

Why: very awesome player, and unlike most other new players that want to join xG, he actually tried and knew the ppl and tried to be familiar with the members. Most members just find this clan and want to join, and think its just easy.

Maturity: very mature

Activity: 8/10

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Decision: +1


Why: Hes a fun player to play with. Pretty nice person :D


Maturity: 9/10


Activity: Hes active on Jailbreak and I see him on constantly.

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decision: +1

why: He knows the motd and works well with people. Should be in xG.

maturity: 9.5/10

activity: Jailbreak, Mini games, and Bhop.

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I've seen him on a bunch of servers +1

why: cool guy, not annoying or a troll, knows the rules//motd, good player, and doesn't disrespect/argue with anyone

activity: see him on JB, minigames, and other servers

maturity: 9.999/10

Definitely a guy I'd like to see in xG

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-sealed away in the last great time war

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