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Random Gaming Facts

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I saw this in a random forum and it had like 1.5k posts holy lmao.


Anyway post a couple gaming facts in here, up to 5.

No matter if its the first game youve ever played, how you started playing css, anything!


ill start.


1. I've been playing CSS for 4 years

2. Doom 1 was the first game ive ever played.

3. I've played tons of games besides css. TF2, SC2, WoW, Gunz, Gunbound, HL2DM (all of those for over 6 months)

4. I currently play about 5 Games often.

5. Half-life series is by far my favorite game ever. ever. ever. ever.

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1. I've played CSS for 5 years (On and off)

2. I can't stand it when women are all double-d's and perfect in video games (Sex sells, ugly truth)

3. I've always been an avid MMO player, but the distinct lack of being in a community that's based around it (a good guild/group) always turns me off

4. Halo is my favorite video game series of all time, mainly because of the rich backstory, story-telling and stellar multiplayer.

5. I hate Sims games, if you want something in real-life, why don't you do it?

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1. I have a 5 year old keyboard that is really grimey but I can no longer use any other keyboard for CS:S :(

2. Played counter strike on and off for 9 years now, been to a fair amount of LANs on the way

3. I used to be into RTS, was rank #1 on both of EA's BfME and C&C3 1v1 ladders a long time ago

4. First single player game I can remember playing is Mystic Quest (its an old Final Fantasy game)

5. First online multiplayer game was the RTS Empire Earth (I was 12, happy days!)

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1. First Online game ever, Ragnarok Online, still best.

2. I've always liked video games that i never get, I just stare at videos like a moron, like Halo, L4D2 and MW2, got left like a year ago, finally and MW2 too.

3. I've also played a big variety of different games, from so many different genres, including snowboarding.

4. My favorite game genre is Survival. L4D and Zombies are beast.

5. I've been playing CSS for about 2 months? -_-


Oh and Takibo, GunZ is Beast, I played that shit for a long time.

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More random facts from me.


1. WoW is the game that i've had the most fun on,i dont like cataclysm however.

2. I did indeed hack my first 2 years of playing css =ooooo. To this day i still get accused by my close friends that used to know i hacked.

3. I've gone to lanhouses hundreds of times back when i lived in brazil for cs 1.3, but i was so young i had no clue what i was doing

4. I was within the top 100 high ranked players on gunbound back in the day. Until i got some hacks for gunbound (i was 12..) and got myself banned.

5. I have a huge tip for all of you, DO NOT, ever hack. once you start. its an addiction, VERY HARD to stop, What allowed me to stop hacking, was that i went in vacation to brazil for a month, and i watched youtube video of pro legit players at the time, so when i got back i wasnt feeling the need to hack anymore, so i quit. (QUIT ON EXACTLY AUGUST 20TH, 2010)

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More random facts from me.


1. WoW is the game that i've had the most fun on,i dont like cataclysm however.

2. I did indeed hack my first 2 years of playing css =ooooo. To this day i still get accused by my close friends that used to know i hacked.

3. I've gone to lanhouses hundreds of times back when i lived in brazil for cs 1.3, but i was so young i had no clue what i was doing

4. I was within the top 100 high ranked players on gunbound back in the day. Until i got some hacks for gunbound (i was 12..) and got myself banned.

5. I have a huge tip for all of you, DO NOT, ever hack. once you start. its an addiction, VERY HARD to stop, What allowed me to stop hacking, was that i went in vacation to brazil for a month, and i watched youtube video of pro legit players at the time, so when i got back i wasnt feeling the need to hack anymore, so i quit. (QUIT ON EXACTLY AUGUST 20TH, 2010)


God you're hero, struggling to get out of an addiction like that, oh man, you must have suffered a lot, I will pray for you, and may Raptor Jesus be with you.


I used to hack on Combat Arms, and hacked for a month or so on Gunz. Never hacked ever again. Hackers suck.

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Lul i hacked on combat arms too. I also hacked maple, and didnt get caught for a LONG time. Eventually nexon caught on, and had to reset all of MS's servers back a few weeks because all my non-legit mesos had spread sooooooo far LOL. I dont hack anymore though. It annoys me. You know i dont hack on CSS, cuz im too bad to have hacks haha.

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1. I played WoW for over 4 years and never once reached level 60+..../facepalm (500 FISHING FTW!)

2. First game I remember playing was either Ocrania of time OOOOR Gauntlet: Dark legacy (loved both games so fucknig much)

3. First multiplayer game I played was either halo 1 or halo 2....:L

4. I've played terraria since day of release and minecraft since pre-alpha

5. I used to hack on maplestory....took me 3 years to get banned c:

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1. I'v played all the call of duty and medal of honor games ever made.

2. I cant bhop

3. First multiplayer game I played was runescape (at 10 years old)

4. at about 15 years old I botted runescape for about a year and sold the cash I got from botting for £100

5. Half-life series is by far my favorite game ever. ever. ever. ever.

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1. I've been playing video games since I was two. This includes violent, hardcore, and learning.

2. I LOVE the storylines of Kingdom Hearts and Darwinia. They are my favorites.

3. Command and Conquer is my favorite series of games, which I wish was still run by Westwood.

4. I bought Half Life 2 Gold, the pack that came with a hat, a soundtrack, and some other goodies plus the game for $50 I had when I was 7 or 8.

5. Garry's Mod is MY ultimate favorite standalone game. I have invested 1500 hours in it since Late 07. Those were the days :')


NoX, ZS, they were all the rage then...

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1: I'm training to work at the Smithsonian Art Museum, as soon as I get out of high school.

2: I have every console (excluding handhelds) by nintendo.

3: I recently took interest in starting my own private server for me and my friends, so we can practice scrim.

4: I have also worn a dress shirt and tie to school for the past 4 years.

5: I didlike living near the suburbs, as I'd rather have noise at night, than complete quiet.

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1. Ive been playing CS since 2002

2. First 2 FPS I played were Soldier of Fortune and the original Unreal Tournament.

3. Runescape classic took up most of my life in middle school

4. I still cannot bunnyhop.

5. I baked a cake for myg0t once, even though Ive NEVER downloaded or used a hack once.

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its nice when people open up admitting that ive hacked in some way, i just hope none of you hack at this very moment lol.


Like i said, do not download hacks guys its a fucking addiction

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its nice when people open up admitting that ive hacked in some way, i just hope none of you hack at this very moment lol.


Like i said, do not download hacks guys its a fucking addiction


Like i said with sarcasm, it's not an addiction....it just fucking sucks and shows that you suck so much that you have to cheat your way to feel better about yourself.

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Like i said with sarcasm, it's not an addiction....it just fucking sucks and shows that you suck so much that you have to cheat your way to feel better about yourself.


yeah i know, shizzle sux

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