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The fucking amazing band I work for

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They're called Authority Zero (look them up they've been around for forever), I talk a lot about them. Ive been working closely with them, tattoos, touring, ect for about 4 years now, They are truly awesome guys and very good friends of mine. I owe all of the progress Ive made and the contacts ive gained in my career, Its bands like this that have gotten my name out in the music industry.


I flew out to Arizona last year for this concert, they have 4 studio albums and in the early 2000's took their first 2 albums and did an acoustic set and released it as a cd where they took all their fast ass punk / rock / ska / reggae songs and re-wrote them as acoustic lounge songs lol. Last july they did one for their last 2 albums. It turned out to be the best concert Ive ever attended.


They play the SHIT out of some acoustic instruments though.


Give em a try



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