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What is classified as "spamming forums"

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I would just like to know what is classified as spamming the forums. I have been told by a couple people now that my recent sky rocket of posts is spamming just so I could apply for mod. I would like know if in my case this is true. The full story is is that in my school i have a 3 hour class from 7:30- 10:20 on a alternating A B schedule. This means i get 3 days where i can be on during that time period the 1st week and then 2 days the next and so forth. Then while at home, I also do a lot of forum stuff as just today my mom (the admin of all admins) unbanned me from playing on the computer. Im still limited to 1 hour a day, but I am allowed to browse the web without it counting. I get home from school at 3:00 so I have plenty of time to browse the forums and post stuff. Just because with my upcoming 100th post I plan on applying for a moderator does not mean i will not keep up the same amount of posts. Please someone answer if this is still considered forum spamming.

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when you are looking at posts, comment them if you want, but have something useful to say instead of "I agree 10char" or stuff like that, just don't comment on every thread you see, but if you feel like voicing your opinion alot, do it. Just remember if you apply for mod right at 100 posts, we will look at your recent posts

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Stego this isn't a stab at you but there are at least 10 people who have said that exact thing and did that exact thing. It does become more stressful playing JB when you're a mod. Sometimes you just don't want to play it, that's why I'm usually at minigames, unless jb needs an extra mod ofc. But don't make promises you can't keep, I'm not saying you can't keep that, this isn't just to you this is to everyone trying to get mod. :I (if this didnt make sense i havent slept in like 2 days and im slightly high)

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