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XG- for mr.smith

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-1 to the infinity


This guy is the most immature person I have ever seen on surf. He trolls non-stop, team kills on maps where you can, spawn kills and portal camps on many different occasions, and lies almost constantly. If this guy were to get into xG anyone can.

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Just some info on mr. smith... he told me the day before posting this that he never was going to apply for xG because it "sucked dick and was full of complete losers". I would have said this sooner but I was busy, good thing i wrote it down in my black mail word document :P

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-1, it seems to me this guy is very immature, and he has 1 ban for breaking the server rules. and his helpful skills? "im pro". dude... serious? I also found what steg said was very interesting, if this clan

"sucked dick and was full of complete losers"

then why are you trying to get in? also, your steam ID is not your steam name. when you're in CS:S or any steam game for that matter, go into the console and type "status" (no quotation marks), and find your name. it will have your name and then it should say something like STEAM:0:0###### or something like that.

Please let me be in xg i am not anoying and most people think im cool.

hrm, you were banned once, rude to the clan and it's people, and you have no grammar. even if you're just shitting around with grammar like I am, then you will at LEAST spell things correctly. I honestly think you are younger then 16, but obviously, I don't know that for sure. please come back when you are a little kinder to us and the clan.

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decision: -1

why: you know why

matuirty -1/10

activenes: i havnt been active, cant say


This is a terrible vouch, please fix it if you want it to count.

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This is a terrible vouch, please fix it if you want it to count.


Cool. He probaly lied about his age. I take people words. Thanks for the advice tho.



decision: -1

why: probaly lied about his age , take peoples word.

maturity: 1/10

activnes: dont know

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Does not respect peoples opinions whether they -1/+1 (mostly -1)

Did not follow the correct format (Steam ID)

Just my opinion. If anyone else, BESIDES the TS feels like I did it wrong, please, let me know.

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