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Sorry for the innactivity

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Sorry guys that i havent had the chance to be on lately, I just got back yesterday from a 2 day livestock judging contest and i started my job last week so i havent really had the chance to be active. I'll try to get on when i can, <3 you guys and keep the community going strong!

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How do you judge livestock? I really want to know because im doing a report on fast food in one of my classes and was just curious to see how the rating system went if their actually was one.

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the rating system we go off of is really how good the animal looks (ex.) for a breeding heifer you would want a heifer(female cow) with wider hips a bit on the heavier side who has some masclanity, With a market steer(male cow) who could be sold for meat, generally your looking for muscalarity, not so much fat but a little, and no abnormalitities with the cow. Goats, i dont know how to judge them besides muscularity and no fat. Pigs you want muscularity, not a lot of fat but you dont want their hindquarters to be too bid and they still need some fat. thats just a general overveiw but im not going to go in depth of what EXACTLY to look for in each catagory

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