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Mobile Forums - Help Please

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So I usually browse the forums on the phone whenever I'm bored, but one time I accidentally hit the "show full site" button and now I can't figure out how to get the site back to the nice mobile version that just had the forum sections/threads.


Can you help me out? I've tried changing user agent on the phone to everything (I'm on android), tried clearing all stored data in the Dolphin Browser app I use, and I tried just using the default browser.


EDIT: Also I cannot find a button to return to the mobile site, there's a little menu on the bottom right corner of the forums to change it to the "mobile" version but it's not the same as the other one I had.


I give up, but I'd like to have the mobile site on my phone so I don't have to zoom in on everything :disturbed:

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try reinstalling the app, or removing it completely and adding it again to ur phone, i dont know anything about the mobile forums but thats something that i would do

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