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DDOSing Update (silence needs to post an update)

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Silence please post an update on the ddosing problem. It keeps occuring OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!! All the new players on surf arnt coming back because of it! And everytime I get on i get spammed by people on the servers saying OMFG THE SERVERS GOT DDOSED AND IT HAPPENS EVERY HALF AN HOUR! Silence do something and tell us what you are going to do.

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It is extremely unfortunate that it is occurring, especially when the servers get shut down and you don't know when they are going to go back up.

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Do you have any idea who is doing it in the first place? Isnt there a way to find out? Also wouldnt this technically be destruction of property or some law like that? If so find out who it is and do what any good American would do... SUE THAT MOFO! It would be a great way to get monies for the server xD

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You guys really know 0 about DDOSing, lol. You can't just stop it, it can cost hundreds/thousands of dollars a month to be fully immune, and then your still not fully. .gov sites have been DDOSed before and I bet they had great protection. Even if you were able to backtrace the IP, you would get a proxy IP and have to test it for open ports in order to attempt at getting the real IP. And even if you did that, the authorities aren't going to respond quickly, and its a fine to them which goes to the government, not the victim. And lets say after that you wan't to sure them, it would be more money to fly, get a hotel, and a lawyer then to just deal with the loss.

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The DDoS attacks on surf are horrible, but what bgsports said, it costs roughly $3000+ just to get protection against DDoS attacks. Hopefully they'll stop soon, cause I miss playing Surf without lag :(

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I'm sure many communities like ours have had to face this.

(As a matter of fact, eGO had the same issue a few years back where all CSS servers & the website got flooded and attacked.)

Just sit tight, be patient. We know it sucks & DDoSing is for lame nerdrage. But it happens.

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