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Underage Kids

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I'm not understanding why people are complaining that there are a lot of underage kids (like myself) getting into the clan. It's really ok, as long as you know they ARE mature.


I think xG should implement an observance period for the underage members that want to be accepted.


1) Specified members will keep an eye out for this member or members.

2) The specified members in question must possess the following traits

  • Unbiased

  • Reasonable

  • Trustworthy


3) The observance period should last a week. It will last longer if they need more time.

4) There doesn't always have to be someone on duty watching him/her.

5) The underage member will be notified of the observance period. He/she will NOT know the members watching him, because of the flaw of not always being on duty. If a participating member informs the observed of who is doing it, his/her observance period will be invalidated and the member will face a punishment of not being able to participate until the punished decides to appeal to it. The observance period will restart with completely fresh members.

6) The members watching him must be an odd number (besides 1). 3 or 5 is an ok number.

7) If they pass the observance period, they may be accepted in xG.

8) If they do not pass the observance period, they will learn why and how they can improve. They may try a week or two later if they are determined to get into xG.

9) They have 2 chances, and 2 chances ONLY.

10) The levels of administration that can assign these are Lvl 1 and Owners/Co-Owners. The administrators in charge MAY NOT participate in the observation. Administrators that are not heading the observation of a member or members may be selected to undergo just as a regular member might.

11) In the event that an admin feels a par-age or an aged member is not mature, they could undergo an unacknowledged observance period assigned by the specified levels of administration.

12) Things that the specified members should observe for is

  • How respectful the person is

  • How he/she reacts to a rulebreaking situations (freekilling, cellspam, etc)

  • Interaction with fellow members of the community and out of the community

  • How often the person is active

13) If for someone reason a picked observer cannot participate, they must give reasons. This is similar as how to jury duty works in the US. You must do it unless something that will interfere with your judging makes a valid point.


I think this is a good idea for the community. It will make the members work to be more active patrons and to see who is determined to stay in the clan/get into the clan.


If you think any members should undergo an observance period if this is accepted, please post here.


Post ideas, fixes, any flaws, or anything else relevant to the situation.


Thank you for reading.



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I'm not understanding why people are complaining that there are a lot of underage kids (like myself) getting into the clan. It's really ok, as long as you know they ARE mature.


I think xG should implement an observance period for the underage members that want to be accepted.


1) Specified members will keep an eye out for this member or members.

2) The specified members in question must possess the following traits

  • Unbiased

  • Reasonable

  • Trustworthy


3) The observance period should last a week. It will last longer if they need more time.

4) There doesn't always have to be someone on duty watching him/her.

5) The underage member will be notified of the observance period. He/she will NOT know the members watching him, because of the flaw of not always being on duty.

6) The members watching him must be an odd number (besides 1). 3 or 5 is an ok number.

7) If they pass the observance period, they may be accepted in xG

8) If they do not pass the observance period, they will learn why and how they can improve. They may try a week or two later if they are determined to get into xG.

9) They have 2 chances, and 2 chances ONLY.

10) Things that the specified members should observe for is

  • How respectful the person is

  • How he/she reacts to a rulebreaking situations (freekilling, cellspam, etc)

  • Interaction with fellow members of the community and out of the community

  • How often the person is active


I think this is a good idea for the community. It will make the members work to be more active patrons and to see who is determined to stay in the clan/get into the clan.


If you think any members should undergo an observance period if this is accepted, please post here.


Post ideas, fixes, any flaws, or anything else relevant to the situation.


Thank you for reading.


Personally, i think this is a great idea. It would keep the immature kids who don't know how to be in a semi mature gaming community. I really think that we should use this policy for our new younger members.

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I think that it is a great idea... One problem though; Silence will probably say that it would be too much work.

Hey, you guys can enforce this. After all the people we choose will be the people in the clan, so we might as well make sure we pick good people.

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I think we can do it. Silence, you just need to make sure that either you, and anything above your Lvl 1 admins are on task about underage observing. After that, it's our work.

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roar... great idea i don't mind of underage member just the maturity :) ... observers - llama , ero , and silence :D?

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I like the fact that you put so much time into this idea, and you put a good face onto the younger members trying to join this clan. I approve of this idea.

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I don't understand why this server (and clan) attracts younger players more so than other servers and why this server chooses to house them. Other servers dismiss these younger players, mutes them and kicks them as they see fit. This server is turning into a kid server and it puts off any potential older players looking for a good jailbreak server. It's a problem that must be dealt with. I say we eliminate the little buggers one by one. Send them back to their mothers teet and ask them to come back when their balls have dropped.


Thanks for reading my rant.


/end rant


In all seriousness though these little ****s are invading and ruining the server. Get rid of them. Except Zehdari, I like that little ****er.

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