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I'm kinda Getting Annoyed Of This...

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Alright, so the #1 JB was down for about a weekend and a bit. I'm ok with this since we had the UK one up. Now not only is THAT down, but so is the RPG surf and the minigames server. Seriously? I would like a explaination on whats going, since i haven't really seen anyone say whats happening. Sorry for bitching about this, but it gets annoying when i cant even play CS:S on one of my favourite servers. I just want to know if its a DDoS or just maybe a temp shutdown of each server or something along that lines. If I could get some feedback that would be great. Thanks for reading.

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I don't mean this as a critisization or anything, but the longer the servers are down, the more players/fan base we lose


I completely agree with you. I can tell that other members are losing their patience.

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Most the other JB servers are in German. Ich kann sprechen ein bischen Deutsche aber nicht so guet! It's fun to try to play and hope you're doing things right. Found a nice-ish Australian one but I can't seem to find their rules and I keep getting killed so I'm not sure how they run things.


Been doing a lot of zombie escape and zombie revival as well, those keep things moving, no downtime.


I agree though - having your servers offline makes it hard for new people to come, and for regulars to be regular. I just donated a few weeks ago after playing here for a few days - then the attacks started. If I knew then what I know know I woulda bought another bottle of booze instead of donating. Hate to say it, but at this point I donated to something I'm not getting anything out of.

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