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Occupy WoW. (Free shit included)

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Yes, WoW. Free to play up to level 20. So why don't we have an army of you on our Xenogamers Guild on Alterac Mountains?


Because bitches don't know shit.


So get at it. Head over to google, type WoW in the search bar and hit "I'm feeling lucky" cause you better feel lucky that i'm giving you this info, punk.


You don't need to raid. You don't need to grind for gear. Just come, chill, and be a bro. Easy peasy.


And to make the deal even sweeter, I'm going to give a two month time card code to whoever can guess what color underwear Aegean wears when he raids with us. Yes, he has a pair of "Raid time undies". Dont know? No problem, just go HERE and ask him.


Happy hunting.

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... How do you know about my raiding underwear :/

Another note, I don't think you can join a guild if you are using the free trial, but yes everyone should start making horde chars on Alterac Mountains and enjoy some free swag

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