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I think carsn should be unbanned. Carsn always makes people laugh on the server and makes the server fun. Banning carsn is like taking away all the fun out of the server. (I stole this from someone because i think this is so perfect) +1 unban him!

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I don't think you have much room to state this as it adds much flame to this thread.


In all honesty, I was just stating the obvious. His friends should know this..

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It wanst even that he was "caught". It was that he was seen doing it on multitudes of occasions. The only people who want him unbanned are the people who were never trolled by him and thought that him trolling others is cool... Kinda goes along with most of the -1s being from mods and respected members

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I don't get some of people's logic on this. As long their fun to play on the servers, it's ok to troll other people and such. Great logic guys. So I have every right now to be a total dick to everyone on servers <3


If you think I'm serious lol you really don't know me

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Ok, time for everyone to put their big boy pants on & listen up.


1: Lissa (Carsn) is a troll, cross dresser, flamer, e.t.c.


2: He's not welcome on our servers, imo. For reasons I will not state unless asked.


3: Mick is a mod, and when he's on the servers & there are no admins, div leader e.t.c, he's the boss. What he says goes, got it? So if he doesn't want music playing, deal with it. He has powers, you don't. He can make decisions & has a higher e-thourity than you. k? Good.


4: -1 you should NOT be unbanned. You were cool when people thought you were a girl.. kinda. And you know what? I hope your friends find out you act like a girl on the internet & try to get a rise out of young pre-pubescent boys such as yourself.


Good day.


You haven't even talked to me more than once since I've started playing on the servers. Everything you post about me is based off of stuff that happened months ago and hearsay.



I don't think you have much room to state this as it adds much flame to this thread.


In regards to your unban request, you are staying banned for quite some time. You have tried to change your account name several times, and have tried to throw us off by doing so. The best option here is to leave, and not return for quite some time. All you have done is upset a vast majority of members, and we, as a clan, do not approve. You are not obligated an apology for this "unfair" ban. This ban was completely justified in the sense that you were given multiple warnings beforehand. You went overboard, and were caught by a member, so you are banned. Please refrain from making more of these, and you will only receive negative votes in return.


-1, as you had been warned several times, and you continued. We do not need another troll playing on the servers, not any trolls for that matter.

Never have I changed my name to "throw you off." I change my name on a regular basis, even if I'm not in trouble. That has not a single thing to do with you or xG. Also, in case you haven't noticed, you're already wrong about me only receiving negative voices.


If you don't want trolls on the server, then your servers would be 80% empty. Fact of the matter is that you guys simply don't know what a troll is, so by your own definition, 80% of the community are trolls.


I don't get some of people's logic on this. As long their fun to play on the servers, it's ok to troll other people and such. Great logic guys. So I have every right now to be a total dick to everyone on servers <3


If you think I'm serious lol you really don't know me


I don't troll in the manner that makes people want to kill them selves. I troll mildly, and even if I do, if people are offended they just have to tell me and I'll tone it down.

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You are coming off a little bit homophobic so what mic comments on all of this is basically just dribble I don't really like homophobic assholes just saying not calling you one just saying it seems like you got a problem with gays.

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This is what's happening.


1.) carsn isn't going to be unbanned.

2.) Pyro is using sarcasm to make a point

3.) E.Z. is showing reasons why carsn shouldn't be unbanned.

4.) He is also stating that a mod has authority if no admins+ are on.


The end.

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that was for EZ KILL sorry sir I don't know you earthier so nice to meet you I am scary

you do not really understand the what even went down at that period of time but just saying right now he was pretty much making his own rules on the server and everyone basicaly revolted against mick and after 20 mins he just could not take the heat and left.

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You haven't even talked to me more than once since I've started playing on the servers. Everything you post about me is based off of stuff that happened months ago and hearsay.


lol, you're joking, right?



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k, whatever you think. I'm done posting on this thread after this..


Also, Scary, I think i've seen you before..


& I was just stating that if mick doesn't like something that's going on, he can change it.

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So also lets not have like only 3 people be the judge I want to have the whole rpg server to have a vote on this I will be sending the url info to this app I will not be spamming it I will ask for people who want carsn unbanned and will be sending them the url to the app so they can comment on this unreasonable ban

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I don't troll in the manner that makes people want to kill them selves. I troll mildly, and even if I do, if people are offended they just have to tell me and I'll tone it down.


So your saying that 1. you do infact troll 2. you troll just enough to make the porige neither too hot nor too cold. 3. And when someone asks you to stop, you dont stop, you just continue on a slightly lower amount.

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So your saying that 1. you do infact troll 2. you troll just enough to make the porige neither too hot nor too cold. 3. And when someone asks you to stop, you dont stop, you just continue on a slightly lower amount.


No one has ever politely asked me to stop throughout my history here besides admins (and it's still not normally polite).


If people were to do so, I would do as they ask. It's not hard to understand.

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Scary. When I went on the RPG surf server a guy was mic spamming music (against the rules), the entire server decided to troll me because of me muting him and carsn decided to repetitively call me a faggot. I was about to ban him myself. So Scary I was doing my duties as a moderator and you guys were breaking the rules. End of story.

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