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Brock Obama

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All he really does is jump to conclusions. This is what causes him to freekill so often. And when he does get slayed for doing so he complains about it and denies doing so. He also baits way too much for a CT. He gets slayed around 1 round a map for baiting. He also always calls warden and screws everything up and continues to do so even when people continue to tell him to stop. Its good that he does call warden when the other one dies but in the end its just annoying. He even states in his membership application that he is a quote "mediocre warden"


The main problem tho is that he argues with everyone. When he doesnt get his way he has opened cells before orders were given and has gun planted to try to get other Cts to die. Overall he just gets out of hand. There already is enough fights on JB and Brock just adds onto it. And when he loses a fight, he then holds a grudge for a while


I really just dont think he deserves to be in XenoGamers if he acts this way.


He had a ban request out (there was no proof) but there are posts from other mods saying they have had to slay him and they confirmed the above.


He was a good guy before he got into xG and now its gotten bad so maybe in the future the level of disrespect might go down and he can re-apply.

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All he really does is jump to conclusions. This is what causes him to freekill so often. And when he does get slayed for doing so he complains about it and denies doing so. He also baits way too much for a CT. He gets slayed around 1 round a map for baiting. He also always calls warden and screws everything up and continues to do so even when people continue to tell him to stop. Its good that he does call warden when the other one dies but in the end its just annoying. He even states in his membership application that he is a quote "mediocre warden"


The main problem tho is that he argues with everyone. When he doesnt get his way he has opened cells before orders were given and has gun planted to try to get other Cts to die. Overall he just gets out of hand. There already is enough fights on JB and Brock just adds onto it. And when he loses a fight, he then holds a grudge for a while

Really, all this? If you had given proof I'd understand but apparently you have to make up stuff to get me kicked out because I -1 your mod thread? This proves you don't deserve mod.

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Really, all this? If you had given proof I'd understand but apparently you have to make up stuff to get me kicked out because I your mod thread? This proves you don't deserve mod.


First of all, he is a terrible warden and CT, and whenever he freekills or baits he denies it. Often is disrespectful and crude towards others. When someone says you're doing it wrong, see if you ACTUALLY ARE doing it wrong, instead of denying it completely and then trying to make the other person look bad.


+1 for the event of removing Brock from xG


The main problem tho is that he argues with everyone. When he doesnt get his way he has opened cells before orders were given and has gun planted to try to get other Cts to die. Overall he just gets out of hand. There already is enough fights on JB and Brock just adds onto it. And when he loses a fight, he then holds a grudge for a while


When you refer to Brocks post, you do see that he DOES argue against everything when he doesn't get his way. (proof)

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Brock is a good guy, he has indeed changed.


Most people who say he "freekills," but he isn't, it's just people hate him so much they want to say that when they get killed for a hardass move. Unless I see a demo of him blightingly freekilling, then it's going to stay as a -1. I don't see him freekilling, I see people complaining for their fail rebels...

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hmm even if he did get "kicked" from xG its not gunna change anything :O only difference is that he wont have xG in his name

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I'm gonna -1 this, he's on jb alot and i hardly ever see him break the rules at all. He's a good guy, but he's very bad when it comes to killing me (lolol jk).

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The other day I was on. Actually, I think it was yesterday. We were playing on lego.


From what I saw Brock did nothing. And you got many, many people to gang up on him to the point where he was driven to silence. Is that what you would expect from someone trying to apply for moderator? Getting people to gang up on someone is more of the attitudes of, excuse me for this, 12 year old school girls.


All I saw was you guys ganging up on him. Brock is always trying to help us out by messaging us in admin chat if he feels there is a rule breaker and the couple times I've seen him do something wrong, I've asked him to slay himself and he always does.


So if you ever actually get real proof feel free to post it in ban request or back on this post. But for now. nope, sorry. -1

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you got many, many people to gang up on him to the point where he was driven to silence.

Gawd, you made my heart stop when you said this. That's how I felt. I wasn't afk, or my mic didn't stop working, I was speechless. I felt like nothing. They drove me to the point where I could no longer do anything without being yelled at.

Thank you for bringing this up.

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+1 -1 = 0


I'm indeifferent on this matter, though I do generally enjoy playing with Brock.


I will say though, that...



in this matter is


because this is not a ban request, it's simply ideas coming together as to why someone shouldn't be a clan member. Proof is for bans. Bans may support a clan kick but in my opinion shouldn't be needed. Didn't need proof to get in the clan, just votes and opinions, so that's all that should be needed for a kick.


Again, I'm indifferent here. Sorry for the little rant, it's not referring to Brock or this particular situation, this just seemed like a good place to bring it up.

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Gawd, you made my heart stop when you said this. That's how I felt. I wasn't afk, or my mic didn't stop working, I was speechless. I felt like nothing. They drove me to the point where I could no longer do anything without being yelled at.

Thank you for bringing this up.


i feel like this so fucking much whenever i get on jb which is why i only go on ts3 now (i even stopped going on ts3 as much now) i know if i say something about some mods ( not naming anyone) someone will try to turn it around and make it my fault.

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This is disgusting. -1. You guys torment the kid until he stops talking. Grow the fuck up. Bring some proof, and dont drive him and instigate problems, THEN maybe we'll talk. /request close

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hmm even if he did get "kicked" from xG its not gunna change anything :O only difference is that he wont have xG in his name


I don't think Brock should be kicked out of xG for being a bad warden or player. Half of xG aren't really good CS:S players. Stego, you honestly just dislike him. So just ignore him, it's that simple. Maybe he doesn't know that he broke the rules and you should try to explain to him more.


He also always calls warden and screws everything up and continues to do so even when people continue to tell him to stop. Its good that he does call warden when the other one dies but in the end its just annoying.
Really. 1 round per map isn't that bad compared to some people. And he doesn't even get slayed 1 round per map. So you created this member protest because YOU think he's annoying. That sums it up.


He was a good guy before he got into xG and now its gotten bad so maybe in the future the level of disrespect might go down and he can re-apply.


He isn't bad. And he isn't out of xG yet so how about YOU stop jumping to conclusions.

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