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Bronies are gay and unmanly?

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Oh emm geee LODLDFOLOLOLOLHAHA LoVe N TOLerAte. But in all seriousness, I don't really have a problem with bronies, but when they're faggots about it.


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Making a thread about it really just irritates everyone about it and makes them hate bronies even more.


My name is Otherworldly, and not Rarity. I have a picture of her, and everyone laughs with me at school and makes little funny jokes everyone laughs at for me liking ponies.


Do I give a shit? Yes. Why? Because it's funny! I like it when we all joke around about me watching a show known for little girls. I've never been offended at a brony hater or a fur haters because while I may be both, they aren't going to change their mind, and I love just laughing with people about it.


I just came back from my banquet for Speech and Debate and I got a My Little Pony award in front of a lot of people, and I laughed and claimed my throne for being the 'Brocrasinator'


Bronies cheered, my captain who hate bronies cheered, and my best friend and other friends cheered. If you get offended or excessively show that you don't care, you are starting useless shit to make people hate bronies, furries, etc more.


So if this thread was never created, a lot of people wouldn't have sparked that hatred a little more and would have been neutral.


Love and tolerate (please, I cannot emphasize enough that for bronies and non-bronies alike), not be sad and post threads about you not caring since you obviously care by doing so.


I love you Fluttershy, but don't do stuff like this man.


And the reason that the people who hate bronies like me is because I constantly show it in a fashion that is not annoying, constant, or irrelevant. Sometimes I throw in a joke, or I get referenced, or I say "Love and Tolerate" maybe once every week.

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