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Proposed Warden System

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So, here is my proposal for determining who gets warden at the beginning of the round and also how to manage free days after the warden dies.


After the round begins, the first CT to talk on their mic will get warden - there will be a server chat announcement like the "Last CT" and it will let you know who the warden is.


Whenever the warden dies/leaves/etc then the next CT to talk will get a message that the warden died and they need to call warden.


If no CT talks for 15 seconds then it will announce it's an automatic freeday.



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I think something like this would be great. It would clear up so much confusion and prevent so much arguing and just make rounds go a lot smoother.


Instead of a server message in chat, would it be possible to have the text in the middle of the screen? Often times at the beginning of the round chat is very active so the server message could get shuffled away. Also, a lot of nubs don't always read chat nor would they think to look there to see who's warden. In addition to that, perhaps all other CT's would be muted for 5 seconds so warden can be clearly announced (not too long of a mute, though, other CTs could need mics readily for announcing rebels, drop gun, kifing vent, etc).


Additionally, I think this would be good for first warden only and not when warden dies. When warden dies it's the responsibility of the other CTs to notice that and act upon it. Making a new warden automatically or even alerting it would give the CTs an advantage to take warden when it could potentially result in a freeday.


One other thought, but this may not come apparent until testing - But sometimes a CT who might be talking at the end of a round will clip into the start of the next - would this result in him being warden? I picture either A) someone getting warden who doesn't want it or B) all CT's holding mic button at the end of the round to try to get warden.

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This would be wonderful. Except certain people talk at the beginning of a round but don't call warden. Also I think the 15 seconds should be longer because some people are AFK and don't call it immediately. Make it 30 seconds.

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I think having it be done with voice would lead to a TON of mic spamming, maybe use chat to call it, have them say "!warden" or something, the first CT to type it at the start of the round would have it. The current warden can say "!warden" again to see the warden menu, from there he could: pass warden to another CT, or drop so another CT can pick it up. The T's could also say "!warden" to see who the current warden is. When the current warden dies, the first CT to call will have it, if it isn't called within 15 seconds text appears declaring it a freeday, Don't know how easy this would be to do, but I think this would get rid of a lot of confusion over who called it, who has warden, and stuff like that.

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Not even sure of what to think. I could argue all day about how new systems could have a negative result, but the current setup isn't really ideal either.


Though I will say that a chat command should NOT control who is warden. Otherwise new people to the server who don't understand the rules would abuse the hell out of it.


And some people want to talk at the beginning of a round, or at least in the first few seconds, but don't want warden, OR some people have no mics but may press the "talk" button and get in before others.



I had one idea a while ago. So, say you have 10 CTs, everyone has a 10% chance of being picked. CTs all have a vote that they can give to any of their fellow CTs to increase the chance of them being picked over other CTs. This way, more competent CTs or crowd favourites have a better chance of getting chosen. Also, once you've been warden at the start of the round, your chance decreases by a bit to let others go ahead. A function should also be given to mods and admins to lower or remove chances of certain people if they don't have mics or if they break the rules, and any changes such as these made by admins are permanent unless changed back.

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All of the ideas here are great, but I think no matter what system is implemented it is going to be abused somehow, but something is better than nothing. I think the !warden command is a pretty cool idea.

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good idea but it should be a vote lets say after last ct starts , the vote would just be for cts to nominate the next warden and then when new round starts warden would be unmuted and other cts muted for lets say 15-20 seconds that would prolly be better but need to make a cfg for that

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I think using mic to call warden results in massive mic spam at begginings of rounds where it ends up with a free day. I like the idea of using "!warden" but instead of having to do that every round when you type it In you get added to a list like "!guard" this list would rotate for every round and the warden for each round would announced in chat. This would allow for equal chances for anyone who wants to be warden to be it and prevents someone from hogging it every round because they are louder than everyone.

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