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Mod Submission

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These things are almost worse than those stupid “About me” sections on profiles… I never know what to write.


I suppose I can start with some random points that make me a good candidate:

  • As my initial xG app states I have been an admin before on a 54/60-slot pub server. With this experience I’m familiar with the position and responsibilities.
  • I am quite active on forums with an average of nearly 5 posts per day on average. You’ll find my not-quite-world-famous how-to’s, a few random computer help responses, and other general chit chat. The only spamming is in the Random board that doesn’t count anyway.
  • With my sporadic and unpredictable work schedule I can be on at odd hours such as late nights and early mornings. I currently average almost 4.5 hours per day of gameplay.
  • In-game I’m as helpful as I can with explaining motd, demonstrating server-specific binds, etc.
  • I am active on teamspeak though I do usually mute my sound only while I’m playing and there’s unrelated chatter in TS.
  • I keep myself responsible for my actions. Perfect example is when even on first-day 2-CT vs 25-T I shot a vent while aiming for a rebel and slayed myself.


I often find myself receiving messages in-game and via Steam not only from people asking for help, but also people who already assume I’m a mod anyway. Of course I always say I’m not and make sure I clarify the difference between Neo and McNeo. But even with those explanations people somehow assume I am - perhaps as a result of my helpfulness and understanding of the game.


I’ve perhaps made a name for myself in the field of ban requests and the like. Maybe that’s a good thing; maybe it’s a bad thing. Either way I hope it’s become apparent that I try to present proof without faulting the admins when I fail to provide enough. Furthermore, I’m sure you’ve seen time and time again where I do try to remain unbiased (while still stating my point) to encourage discussion because I’m aware a ban of any length – and even being accused – is a serious matter.


The only thing that could invalidate this application is that I’ve been in xG less than 2 months. Despite that fact I’ve had people all through the ranks – members to mods to div leaders – suggest that I apply anyway and see what happens. I figure the worst that can happen is you say no and I copy-pasta all this next month.


I guess I’d like to point out that the 2-month-minimum is a relatively new thing, I understand there’s a reason for it however maybe there’s a grey area to be had considering I’ve got people telling me to apply? I’d also like to note that this 2-month thing is the only thing that seems to cause instant-denial, while everything else remains open for debate and consideration. Unless this 2-month thing is set-in-stone internally, Could I respectfully ask that you let this app roll and see what happens? I’m the guy out on the limb here anyway, let’s see how hard I hit if I fall.


In closing, I’d just like to say that I very much enjoy my time here in-game and on the forums and I’d like an opportunity to help out if you need it. Thanks.

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Decision: +1


He is a good guy and always makes sure himself and others are following the rules stated in the MOTD to the letter. Not once since I met him have I saw him break any rules and he always checks rulebreakers and asks them to slay themselves or if it's outside of his power if a moderator could handle it. He would be a great addition to the ever-growing xG staff team!

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u need to be in the clan for 2 months before u want to post a mod submission, however, that doesnt mean u cant earn mod before 2 months, u can still get mod without having to post a mod submission, all it does is help the higher ups know about anyone who wants to be a potential mod and what others think of him getting it, cause before the divs would just say who would be a good mod without the mod submission because it was more close knit back then but now things have changed and we need mod apps to keep track.


ur def on the right track to getting mod though, u dont spam forums, ur active on teamspeak and the servers and all ur posts are detailed, useful and on topic

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